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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4162 - Opening Address: Plans of DTU in a Globalized World

Opening Address: Plans of DTU in a Globalized World

Special Symposium - Education

The Future of European Chemical Engineering Education in a Globalized World

Dr Lars Pallesen
Technical University of Denmark
Building 101
DK-2800 Lyngby

Keywords: education, globalized world, future plans, DTU

The rektor, Dr. Pallesen, will welcome the speakers to the workshop on "The Future of European Chemical Engineering Education in a Globalized World" and breifly outline some of the future plans of DTU within this topic.

Presented Tuesday 18, 09:05 to 09:20, in session The Future of European Chemical Engineering Education in a Globalized World - Opening.

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