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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4111 - Food as an art form

Food as an art form

Special Symposium - Innovations in Food Technology (LMC Congress)

Innovations in Food Technology - Poster Session (Food - P2)

Mr Jan Krag Jacobsen
Roskilde University Centre
Det Danske Gastronomiske Akademi


Keywords: food, development, art

Food is today sold and especially bought on the market more as experiences than as cheep and hygienic compositions of nutrients as was formerly the case in a society with a scarce supply of food and widespread malnutrition.

The consequence of this development is that food production has got more and more in common with the production of cultural products and has an obvious place in the modern concept of experience economy. Many food producers have not fully realized the consequences of this shift.

There has always been an essential community of expression in any given era between the culinary arts and other arts more regularly termed as fine. Formerly this was most significant in the aristocratic strata of society. Today a wide degree of democratization has taken place.

The development in the kitchens of today's leading chefs will be the mass product of tomorrow.

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