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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4084 - Powders, Particles and Processes: Multiscale Approaches for Improved Performance

Powders, Particles and Processes: Multiscale Approaches for Improved Performance

Special Symposium - MultiScale Modelling

Invited Session on MultiScale Modelling (S-1)

Prof Ian Cameron
The University of Queensland
Chemical Engineering
Brisbane, Australia 4072

Keywords: Particulate system, multiscale, granulation process

Particulate products permeate all major commodity and specialty markets. The importance of powder processing and particle formation is hard to overstate, given the ubiquitous nature of these products and the challenges in designing, operating and optimizing process systems for commercial purposes.

Systems perspectives on these challenges naturally lead to a multiscale view. This multiscale perspective can help identify and represent underlying mechanisms and processes across a significant breadth of time, length and detail scales – important in arriving at outcomes developed on fundamentals that complement traditional empirical approaches. This multiscale approach to representing and understanding particle formation and the processes that lead to product generation has significant potential for unraveling many questions that are still the subject of intense worldwide research within academe and industry. Much has been done in this area, yet much still remains to be investigated and resolved.

This presentation, surveys some important multiscale particle work in a variety of application areas that include a range of granulation processes. It is shown that the multiscale approach provides a helpful systems framework to resolve issues at varying time-length-detail (τ-L-D) scales in addressing processing issues. The complex linking of scale information is crucial in developing innovative approaches to improved processing methods. This “scale integration” problem has a number of approaches yet is still a major challenge to resolving integrated methods to particle, product and process design.

The presentation will highlight advances made as well as current and future challenges that will help provide design and operational approaches that bring the benefits of improved performance for these complex systems.

Presented Monday 17, 16:40 to 17:10, in session Invited Session on MultiScale Modelling (S-1).

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