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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 3551 - Effect of preparation method on perovskite catalyst structure for synthesis of Acetic acid from natural gas

Effect of preparation method on perovskite catalyst structure for synthesis of Acetic acid from natural gas

Advancing the chemical engineering fundamentals

Catalysis (T2-13P)

MSc Hamid Reza Arandiyan
Iran university of Science and Technology
Chemical Engineering Department
Chemical Engineering Department, Iran university of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Dr Matin Parvari
Iran university of Science and Technology
Chemical Engineering Department
Chemical Engineering Department, Iran university of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Keywords: perovskite catalyst, Acetic acid, Natural gas, sol-gel

Different synthesis of acetic acid have been studied and compared. The most important objective of the development of new acetic acid processes is, to reduce raw material consumption, energy requirements, and investment costs. Different methods have been presented for synthesis of acetic acid in literature but industrial processes for the production of acetic acid are dominated by methanol carbonylation and the oxidation of hydrocarbons such as acetaldehyde, ethylene, n-butane, and naphtha. In addition of comparison synthesis methods, application of the product is investigated and advantages of the methods have been presented. In this regard, proper process for production of acetic acid can be selected. Finally results showed that the using methanol carbonylation method is proper because of high purity, low production cost, reaction condition, yield and also no undesired byproduct as the best choice for production acetic acid.

Presented Wednesday 19, 13:30 to 15:00, in session Catalysis (T2-13P).

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