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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 1473 - Prediction of Binary Adsorption Equilibria

Prediction of Binary Adsorption Equilibria

Advancing the chemical engineering fundamentals

Thermodynamics (T2-1P)

PhD Matias Monsalvo
Technical University of Denmark
IVC-SEP, Department of Chemical Engineering
Building 229
2800 Kgs.Lyngy

Keywords: Adsorption, Modeling, Potential theory, Mixtures

Matias A. Monsalvo, Alexander A. Shapiro

Center for Phase Equilibria and Separation Processes IVC-SEP, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 229, DK 2800, Lyngby, Denmark

The goal of this work is to study the adsorption of binary liquid and gas mixtures on the basis of the Potential Theory of Adsorption (PTA). The PTA, developed by Dubinin and his coworkers [1, 2] from ideas originally put forward by Polanyi [3], is a thermodynamic concept used for modeling of gas adsorption on solids. The theory has then been extended to adsorption of multicomponent non-ideal gases, in the framework of the so-called Multicomponent Potential Theory of Adsorption (MPTA) [4, 5]. In the MPTA, the adsorbate is considered as a segregated mixture in the external field produced by a solid adsorbent. In this way, it is possible to connect the thermodynamics of the adsorbed and of the bulk phases. The theory uses an equation of state (EoS) to characterize the equilibria between bulk and adsorbed phases. In a previous work, we have shown that the MPTA is capable of predicting the adsorption equilibria for binary and ternary gas mixtures on the basis of the single-component adsorption isotherms [6]. In this work, an extension of the MPTA onto adsorption from solutions is considered. Comparison to other thermodynamic models is provided.

1. Dubinin, M.M. Carbon 21, 359 (1983).
2. Dubinin M.M., Astakhov, V.A. Adv. Chem. Ser. 102, 69 (1971).
3. Polanyi, M. Verh. Disch. Phys. Ges. 16, 1012 (1914); 18, 55 (1916).
4. Shapiro, A., Stenby, E.H. J. Colloid interface Sci. 1998, 201, 146-157.
5. Shapiro, A., Stenby, E.H. J. Colloid interface Sci. 1998, 201, 546.
6. Monsalvo, M., Shapiro, A. (Submitted for publication).

Presented Monday 17, 13:30 to 15:00, in session Thermodynamics (T2-1P).

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