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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 1395 - Implementation Of A Virtual Course With Moodle Applied To A Case Study Methodology In Chemical Engineering Degree


Educating chemical engineers for coming challenges

Chemical Engineering Education -Poster Session (T6-P)

Prof Maria Teresa García-Cubero
University of Valladolid
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Facultad de Ciencias
Dpto. Ing. Química y Tcn. del Medio Ambiente
C/Prado de la Magdalena s/n , 47011, Valladolid (Spain)

Prof Silvia Bolado
University of Valladolid
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
Facultad de Ciencias
Dpto. Ing. Química y Tecn. del Medio Ambiente
C/ Prado de la magdalena s/n, 47011, Valladolid (Spain)

Valladolid University
Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Prado de la Magdalena s/n
Valladolid - 47011

Dr Pedro Gracía-Encina
Valladolid University
Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Prado de la Magdalena s/n
Valladolid - 47011

Mr Gerardo González-Benito
Valladolid Univerity
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
C/ Prado de la Magdalena s/n
47011 - Valladolid

Dr Miguel Angel Urueña
Valladolid University
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
C/ Prado de la Magdalena s/n
47011 - Valladolid

Mr David Vallelado
Junta de Castilla y León
Consejería de Educación


Keywords: e-learning, Moodle, virtual course, case study

During 2005-2006 academic year a new integrated learning methodology has been developed and implemented in order to adapt 4th course of Chemical Engineering degree to the European Higher Education System EEES philosophy. In that sense, it was necessary to modify not only the objectives and contents of the different subjects but also the learning methodology. The application of this new methodology involved a different way of working, considering both the knowledge and the generic skills reached for the students and that contribute to their complete formation.

The main objectives of the proposed strategy were provide to the student a holistic and integrated vision of the different subjects, working all of them in the basis of a common industrial process along with developing student’s abilities that are difficult to acquire with the traditional learning system. This educational methodology was based on problems and projects, with the special characteristic that every activity was programmed about the same industrial process. The chemical process proposed was initially analyzed as a whole and later defined in different blocks. For each subject, different block aspects were detailed: selection of alternatives, operation mode, dimensioned for the equipment selected, system analysis, etc. The industrial process was selected taking into account its relation with the Chemical Engineer core and may have physic and/or chemical separation units, chemical reaction stages, instrumentation and control and effluents (liquid, gases and/or solids) treatment. All the subjects considered are involved in the obligatory disciplines of the 4th course. Moreover, it was necessary to configure a calendar that includes all activities to carry out for the student (lectures, problem sessions, seminars, technical visits, conferences, and so on) [1].

Taking as reference the previous experience and keeping in mind the need to promote the “active learning” based on Internet technology, the previous proposed educational methodology has been implemented using Moodle as e-learning platform in combination with conventional face-to-face sessions [2]. This arrangement combines an electronic learning component with some form of human intervention, including the concept of e-tutor or e-mentor.
This effective combination of different modes of delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning, founded on transparent communication amongst all parties involved with a course is known as “Blended-learning or B-learning” [3].

Moodle was selected as virtual learning platform due to it is a free open source designed to help educators create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction.

The proposed virtual course implemented with Moodle includes:
1. Forums
2. Content managing (resources)
Textual resources: general information related to educational methodology, chemical engineers abilities and evaluation criteria; textbooks and exercise books
Home-learning resources (video recordings, audio recordings)
Demonstration resources (laboratory experiments, simulators,…)
3. Quizzes with different kinds of questions (partial evaluations)
4. Tasks
5. Calendar (global, group and users events)
6. Other activities (technical visits, conferences, upcoming events)
7. Last news

The combination of multiple approaches to learning (combinations of technology-based materials, face-to-face sessions and print materials), allow to develop innovative and imaginative ways to motivate people to learn, provide greater access to information, do an excellent job of helping students learn conceptual matters and allow to develop interpersonal skills.


[1] P. A. García Encina et al., 2006, Adecuación al EEES del Título de Ingeniero Químico. Desarrollo de una metodología integrada de enseñanza-aprendizaje y evaluación. Ed. Universidad de Valladolid, p.87.
[2] Durán, M. et al., 2006, La plataforma e-learning un instrumento de motivación para el estudiante universitario, Universidad de Ramón Llull, ponenecia oral en el 4º Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), Barcelona .
[3] Kerres, M., De UIT, C., 2003, A didactical framework for design of blended learning arrangements. Journal of Educational Media, 28 (2/3), 101.

Presented Monday 17, 13:30 to 15:00, in session Chemical Engineering Education -Poster Session (T6-P).

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