Notetaking Help

Can I add formatting to my notes?

Yes, limited formatting is supported. You'll need to use some special markup symbols to format your text. The formatting will show up after you save your notes.

Text Format Markup
Bold ''Bold'' (two single apostrophes)
Italics //Italics//
Bold Italics ''//Bold Italics//''
Underline __Underline__ (two underscores)
Strikethrough --Strikethrough--
Superscript Super^^script^^
Subscript Sub~~script~~
  • Unordered List, Level 1
    • Unordered List, Level 2
      • Unordered List, Level 3
* Unordered List, Level 1
** Unordered List, Level 2
*** Unordered List, Level 3
  1. Ordered List, Level 1A
  2. Ordered List, Level 1B
    1. Ordered List, Level 2A
      1. Ordered List, Level 3A
# Ordered List, Level 1A
# Ordered List, Level 1B
## Ordered List, Level 2A
### Ordered List, Level 3A

I'm not able to take notes.

Note taking requires JavaScript to be enabled in your browser. Click here for information about enabling JavaScript.

If you are using Google Chrome or Safari, you'll also need to have Java enabled. Click here for more information. You may get a "digital signature" warning the first time you take notes.

Note taking does not function if this product is run over a web server. It is meant to be run directly from a flash drive.

How do I print my notes?

Make sure your note is saved before attempting to print it. If it is in "Edit" mode, your note may get cut off when printing.

The best way to get a printed note is to right-click (or on Macs without 2-button mice, option-click) in an empty area of your note page. Look for either a "Print Frame" or "This Frame > Print" option.

When I open a document from Search results, the notes don't appear.

The Notes panel cannot be enabled from the Search results. The file and corresponding notes panel must be opened from the Table of Contents or other indexes.

When I save a note, Firefox keeps giving me Internet Security warnings.

It means Firefox is trying to protect you from what it considers "suspicious" activity: writing a file to your flash drive. Because you have to write to the file to save your notes, you can tell it not to prompt you any more.

Internet Security warning in Firefox

You may have to dismiss more than one alert, but as long as the "Remember" box is checked each time Firefox shouldn't prompt you any longer.

Safari is giving me a "digital signature" warning.

To save notes, Safari requires an extra piece of software to run:

Safari security warning

If you checked the box, you shouldn't get this prompt again.

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