Undergraduate Education

Session 119 - B.S. Ch E: What Is It?
This session invites papers discussing ideas and opinions about how chemical engineering undergraduate education has evolved and what to anticipate for the future. Proposals to present might include data on what is taught in various curricula, information regarding job opportunities and the demographics of jobs, differences between the undergraduate and graduate focus and how the definition of chemical engineering might differ between them. Any topic that helps us to define a "BS ChE, what is it?" are welcome.
Chair:Joseph J. Biernacki
CoChair:Tamara Floyd-Smith
 Trends in Engineering Educational Research and Curriculum Reform
Maria K. Burka
 Tuning the Chemical Engineering Curriculum to Meet New Challenges and the Demand of the Job Market
Jamil Naser, Tamara Floyd-Smith, Nosa Egiebor, Nader Vahdat
 Looking out a Few Years
Jeffrey J. Siirola
 Che. --- the Most Versatile Degree
Jonathan H. Worstell
 Chemical Engineering - the Liberal Arts Degree for the Next Century
Kirk H. Schulz

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