119e Che. --- the Most Versatile Degree

Jonathan H. Worstell, HODER, Shell Global Solutions US, 3333 Highway 6 South, Room E-2061, Houston, TX 77082

The most versatile degree currently offered by universities is that of chemical engineering. A degree in chemical engineering can lead to careers as diverse as:

· medicine; · physical chemist; · physiology; · nuclear engineering; · cell biology; · applied physics; · investment banking; ie, Wall Street; · operations research; · supply and procurement · national security · mechanical engineering.

The versatility of a chemical engineering degree is directly related to the unit operations concept of education. This paper shows how an education in chemical engineering prepares an individual for a possible career in any one of the above fields. It also shows how the concept of unit operations and the way unit operations is taught impacts the versatility of the chemical engineering degree.