Fluid Mechanics

Session 123 - Colloidal Hydrodynamics
This session will focus on microscopic and macroscopic hydrodynamic phenomena in colloidal suspensions. These phenomena involve the coupling of fluid dynamics with Brownian motion, inter-particle forces, and external fields.
Chair:Eric R. Weeks
CoChair:Jeffrey F. Morris
 On the Motion of Two Particles Translating with Equal Velocities through a Colloidal Dispersion
Aditya S. Khair, John F. Brady
 Active and Nonlinear Microrheology in the Large-Probe Limit: Direct Vs. Bulk Effects
Todd M. Squires
 Microstructure Response in a Colloidal Gel Using Laser Tweezers
Eric M. Furst, Myung Han Lee
 Simulations of Particle Transport through Colloidal Gels
Ileana C. Carpen
 One-Dimensional Diffusion of Colloids in Colloid-Polymer Mixtures
Amir Amini, Marc A. Robert
 Noncontinuum Effects in Nanoparticle Dynamics in Polymers
Venkat Ganesan, Bharadwaj Narayanan, Victor Pryamitsyn, Megha Surve
 Particle Phase Pressure in Sheared Suspensions
Yevgeny Yurkovetsky, Jeffrey F. Morris
 Rheology and Structure Formation in Sheared Suspensions of Elastic Particles
Kenneth Higa, Jonathan Higdon
 Lift Force on an Asymmetrically Rotating Particle in Confinement
Sukalyan Bhattacharya
 Catalytic Nanomotor Modeling
Darrell Velegol

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