Topical A: Systems Biology

Session 283 - In Silico Systems Biology I
A critical component of systems biology is the development of in silico approaches to understand systems of interest. For this session, papers discussing novel uses of in silico methods to understand biological systems, as well as the development of new technologies and algorithms for in silico systems analysis are welcome. Research including experimental work is particularly encouraged.
Chair:Ranjan Srivastava
CoChair:Jeffrey D. Varner
 In Silico Design of Synthetic Tetracycline-Inducible Regulatory Gene Networks
Vassilios Sotiropoulos, Yiannis N. Kaznessis
 Cellular Biosynthesis Responds to Changing Nutrient Environments: Predicting in Vivo Behavior from in Vitro Models
Patrick F. Suthers, Richard Gourse, John Yin
 Design and Mathematical Modeling of a Quorum Sensing Based Synthetic Ecosystem with Applications to Competitive Mixed Cultures
Pavan Kumar Reddy Kambam, Michael A. Henson, Lianhong Sun
 Theoretical Considerations and Computational Analysis of Polyketide Biosynthesis Pathways
Joanna González-Lergier, Linda J. Broadbelt, Vassily Hatzimanikatis
 Identification of a Mechanistic Model of Calcium Crosstalk and Caspase Activation in Mammalian Apoptosis
Jeffrey D. Varner, Anjali Dhiman
 Clinical Mutations in the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Relevance to Oncogenic Transformations: from Molecular to Systems Level Modeling
Andrew Shih, Yingting Liu, Jeremy Purvis, Sung-Hee Chou, Mark A. Lemmon, Ravi Radhakrishnan
 Sensitivity Analysis of Mammalian Circadian Clocks
Henry P. Mirsky, Rudiyanto Gunawan, Stephanie R. Taylor, Francis J. Doyle III

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