Re: Petlyuk's columns

From: Ivar Halvorsen (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 16:01:36 CEST

Dear Felix

Thanks for your answer. I have been working on
Petlyuk arrangements all the time since you
visited Trondheim, first from an operation viewpoint,
and later also on design and minimum energy requirements.
It is quite interesting, and I now have the minimum vapor flow
expressions for any number of feed components, and any number
of products (for ideal components with constant relative volatiltiy
and constant molar overflow). However, Sigurd asked:
Is there any way to do separation by distillation with
a lower vapour consumption? Then I also looked at your 64 paper
on reversible distillation, and found it quite interesting.
I also observed what you mention in your answer that the
feed stage condition for the prefractionators ar identical.

What I can do on minimum vapour flow,
is to do a comparision for any given structure against the
adiabatic Petlyuk arrangement and thereby
get one proof for every variant of configurations.

But I hoped there was a general proof around.

Best regards

ECT Service wrote:
> Dear Ivar,
> There is no proofs in literature concerning the minimum vapour flow in a
> Petlyuk arrangement. I am sure too that the adiabatic Petlyuk arrangement
> require minimum amount of vaporization, but I can provide the proof only
> for reversible distillation.
> Both reversible and adiabatic column require the same vapor stream rate at
> feed. This vapor stream is minimal in comparison to any other arrangements.
> But for adiabatic distillation the one vapor stream is used for two
> columns. As to the reversible distillation the vapor stream is fully
> condensed so the second column requires one more vapor stream.
> I have no strict proof that adiabatic Petlyuk arrangement requires minimal
> vapor flow in comparison to any other column arrangement.
> Best regards,
> Felix Petlyuk.

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