
  • Venturini, S., Mehmetoglu, M., & Latan, H. (2023). Software Packages for Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: An Updated Review. In Latan, H., Hair, J.F., & Noonan, R. (Ed., pp. 113-152) Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (2nd Ed.). Springer International.

  • Venturini, S., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2019). plssem: A Stata Package for Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares. Journal of Statistical Software, 88(8), 1-35.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2018). medsem: a Stata package for statistical mediation analysis. Int. J. Computational Economics and Econometrics, 8(1), 63-78.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2012). Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling for Tourism Research. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 43-61.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2011). Model-based post hoc segmentation (with REBUS-PLS) for capturing heterogeneous consumer behaviour. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 19(3/4), 165-172.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2009). Predictors of Sustainable Consumption in a Tourism Context: A CHAID Approach. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 5, 3-23.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Altinay, L. (2006). Examination of grounded theory analysis with an application to hospitality research. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25, 12-33.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004). Quantitative or qualitative? : a content analysis of Nordic research in tourism and hospitality. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 4(3), 176-190.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Dann, G. M. S. (2003). Atlas/ti and Content/Semiotic Analysis in Tourism Research. Tourism Analysis, 8(1), 1-13.

Evolutionary Psychology

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Kennair, L.E.O., Grøntvedt, T. V., & Bendixen, M. (in prep). The link between mate value discrepancy and relationship satisfaction.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., Määttänen, I., & Mittner, M. (2024). Testing Sexual Strategy Theory in Norway. Behavioral Sciences, 14, 1-16.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Määttänen, I. (2020). Norwegian Men and Women Value Similar Mate Traits in Short-Term Relationships. Evolutionary Psychology, 18(4).

  • Kennair, L. E. O., Grøntvedt, T. V., Mehmetoglu, M., Perilloux, C., & Buss, D. M. (2015). Sex and Mating Strategy Impact the 13 Basic Reasons for Having Sex. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1(4), 207-219.

  • Grøntvedt, T. V., Kennair, L. E. O., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2015). Factors predicting the probability of initiating sexual intercourse by context and sex. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56(5), 516-526.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2011). What determines holidaying interest? Extrinsic versus intrinsic motivations. The Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 6(1), 93-110.

Personality and Values

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2012). Personality effects on experiential consumption. Personality and Individual Differences, 52(1), 94-99.

  • Vespestad, M. K., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2010). The relationship between tourist nationality, cultural orientation and nature-based tourism experiences. European Journal of Tourism Research, 3(2), 87-104.

  • Iversen, N. M., Hem, L. E., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2016). Lifestyle Segmentation of Tourists Seeking Nature- Based Experiences: The Role of Cultural Values and Travel Motives. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33, 38-66.

  • Vespestad, M. K., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2017). The Interrelationship between Personality Traits and Psychological Constraints on Adventure Activity Participation. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 13, 79-98.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., Hines, K., Graumann, C., & Greibrokk, J. H. (2010). The relationship between personal values and tourism behaviour : a segmentation approach. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 16(1), 17-27.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004). A typology of tourists from a different angle. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 5(3), 69-90.

Personnel Psychology

  • Bernstrøm, V., Mehmetoglu, M., & Houkes, I. (2022). The role of the work environment in the relationship between shift work and sickness absence. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(8), e.509-e.520.

  • Rastogi, M., Karatepe, O. M., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2019). Linking resources to career satisfaction through work–family enrichment. The Service Industries Journal, 39(11-12), 855-876.

  • Slåtten, T., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2015). The Effects of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Creativity on Innovation Behavior in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 14(2), 195-219.

  • Thun, S., Saksvik, P. Ø., Ose, S. O., Mehmetoglu, M., & Christensen, M. (2013). The impact of supervisors’ attitudes on organizational adjustment norms and attendance pressure norms. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 5(2), 15-31.

  • Slåtten, T., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2011b). What are the drivers for innovative behavior in frontline jobs? A study of the hospitality industry in Norway. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 10(3), 254-272.

  • Slåtten, T., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2011a). Antecedents and effects of engaged frontline employees : A study from the hospitality industry. Managing Service Quality, 21(1), 88-107.

Environmental Psychology

  • Stensland, S., Mehmetoglu, M., Liberg, Å. S., & Aas, Ø. (2021). Angling destination loyalty – A structural model approach of freshwater anglers in Trysil, Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1-15.

  • Stensland, S., Aas, Ø., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2017). Understanding Constraints and Facilitators to Salmon Angling Participation: Insights From Structural Equation Modeling. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(1), 1-17.

  • Kaltenborn, B. P., Mehmetoglu, M., & Gundersen, V. (2017). Linking social values of wild reindeer to planning and management options in Southern Norway. Arctic, 70(2), 129-140.

  • Nayum, A., Klöckner, C. A., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2015). Comparison of socio-psychological characteristics of conventional and battery electric car buyers. Travel Behaviour and Society, 3(January), 8-20.

  • Gundersen, V., Mehmetoglu, M., Inge Vistad, O., & Andersen, O. (2015). Linking visitor motivation with attitude towards management restrictions on use in a national park. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 9, 77-86.

  • Vistad, O. I., Skår, M., Wold, L. C., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2013). Balancing public access and privacy in developed coastal zones: Factors influencing attitudes towards potential management options. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, 3-4(Dec), 7-18.

  • Stensland, S., Aas, Ø., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2013). The Influence of Norms and Consequences on Voluntary Catch and Release Angling Behavior. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18(5), 373-385.

  • Kløckner, C., Nayum, A., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2013). Positive and negative spillover effects from electric car purchase to car use. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 21, 32-38.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2010b). Factors Influencing the Willingness to Behave Environmentally Friendly at Home and Holiday Settings. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 10(4), 430-447.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2010a). Accurately Identifying and Comparing Sustainable Tourists, Nature-Based Tourists, and Ecotourists on the Basis of Their Environmental Concerns. International Journal of Hospitality &Tourism Administration, 11(2), 171-199.

Tourism and Business research

  • Thrane, C., Lien, G., Mehmetoglu, M. & Størdal, S. (2024). Price Hedonics of Beers: Effects of Alcohol Content, Quality Rating, and Production Country. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization.

  • Vespestad, M. K., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2015). Gender Differences in Vacation Behavior. Tourism Review International, 19(3), 147-161.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Normann, Ø. (2013a). The link between travel motives and activities in nature-based tourism. Tourism Review, 68(2), 3-13.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Normann, Ø. (2013b). What influences tourists’ overall holiday experience? Tourism company products versus destination products. European Journal of Tourism Research, 6(2), 183-191.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Engen, M. (2011). Pine and Gilmore’s Concept of Experience Economy and Its Dimensions: An Empirical Examination in Tourism. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 12(4), 37-41.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2011). Examining the Relationship between Push and Pull Factors through Partial Least-Squares Path Modeling. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 7, 153-171.

  • Johansen, T. E., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2011). Indigenous tourism from a visitor’s perspective: an empirical examination of Valene L. Smith’s 4Hs at a Sa´mi festival in Norway. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6(2), 129-141.

  • Slåtten, T., Mehmetoglu, M., Svensson, G., & Sværi, S. (2009). Atmospheric experiences that emotionally touch customers : a case study from a winter park. Managing Service Quality, 19(6), 721-746.

  • Hansen, H., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2009). Optimum stimulation level and consumer attitudes toward time share second homes. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 15(4), 335-347.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Olsen, K. (2007). From Cultural Consumer at Home to Heritage Tourist Away. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 3, 19-38.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2007c). Typologising Nature-Based Tourists by Activity - Theoretical and Practical Implications. Tourism Management, 28(3), 651-660.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2007b). Nature-Based Tourists: The Relationship between their Trip Expenditures and Activities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 15(2), 200-215.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2007a). Nature-Based Tourism: A Contrast to Everyday Life. Journal of Ecotourism, 6(2), 111-126.

  • Haug, B., Dann, G. M. S., & Mehmetoglu, M. (2007). Little Norway in Spain. From Tourism to Migration. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(1), 20.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2006). Segmenting the Nature-Based Tourists Based on Travel Mode Choice. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing 14(4), 47-67.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Ellingsen, K. A. (2005). Do Small-Scale Festivals Adopt ‘Market Orientation’ as a Management Philosophy? Event Management, 9(3), 119-132.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Abelsen, B. (2005). Examining the Visitor Attraction Product: A Case Study. Tourism Analysis, 9(4), 269-284.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2005). A Case Study of Nature-Based Tourists: Specialists versus Generalists. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 11(4), 357-369.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2004). Tourist or traveller? : a typological approach. Tourism Review, 59(3), 33-39.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., & Olsen, K. (2003). Talking Authenticity: What Kind of Experiences Do Solitary Travellers in the Norwegian Lofoten Islands Regard as Authentic? Tourism, Culture & Communication, 4(3), 137-152.

  • Mehmetoglu, M., Dann, G. M. S., & Larsen, S. (2001). Solitary Travellers in the Norwegian Lofoten Islands: Why Do People Travel On Their Own? Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1(1), 19-37.

  • Mehmetoglu, M. (2001). Economic Scale of Community-Run Festivals: A Case Study. Event Management, 7(2), 93-102.