Marilena Greco


Home page:


Born, Nationality:
1972-03-27, Italian



Scientific Interests


Marine Hydrodynamics. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Nonlinear Free Surface and Multiphase Flows. Free-surface Wave propagation. Seakeeping of Vessels and Offshore Structures. Water on deck. Slamming. Fluid-Structure Interactions. Hydroelasticity. Vessel Dynamic Instabilities. Offshore Aquaculture. Offshore Renewable Energy. Bio-inspired concepts for marine applications.



Present Positions

January 2023-: Research Director (I professional level - Dirigente di Ricerca).

CNR-INM, National Research Council – Institute of Marine Engineering, Rome, Italy. The position is part-time. Scientific area (SSD): Area 09 “Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione”; 09/A1 – “Ingegneria aeronautica, aerospaziale e navale”.


January 2010-: Full Professor of Marine Hydrodynamics.

Marine Technology Department (IMT), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Position funded for the first five years by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) to continue Professor Faltinsen’s research and teaching activity. NTNU-IMT has a very high world rank in the Academic Ranking of World Universities in Marine/Ocean Engineering field ( ).



Employment History


January 2013-June 2023: Key Scientist in Marine Hydrodynamics.

Norwegian Centre of Excellence NTNU AMOS - Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.


January 2011-December 2022: Senior Researcher (II level - I Researcher).

CNR-INM, National Research Council – Institute of Marine Engineering, Rome, Italy. The position is part-time. Scientific area (SSD): Area 09 “Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione”; 09/A1 – “Ingegneria aeronautica, aerospaziale e navale”.


January 2009-December 2010: Senior Researcher (II level - I Researcher).

INSEAN, The Italian Ship Model Basin, Rome, Italy. The position implied the responsibility of advising other researcher’s activities and work at management level. It was part-time since January 2010.


February 2008-January 2010: Adjunct Professor (Professor II).

Marine Technology Department (IMT), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The Norwegian Centre of Excellence on Ships and Ocean Structures (CeSOS), Trondheim, Norway, funded the position with specialty on Computational Marine Hydrodynamics. The Centre proposed this position directly to M. Greco but she had to fulfil the NTNU requirements, which involve her examination by a technical and by a pedagogical committee.


January 2003-December 2012: Affiliated and Visiting Scientist.

Centre of Excellence CeSOS, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Six-month period for every year.


November 1999-December 2008: Permanent Researcher.

Dept. of Seakeeping and Manoeuvring, INSEAN, The Italian Ship Model Basin, Rome, Italy.


January 1998-November 2001: Doctoral Candidate in Marine Hydrodynamics.

Faculty of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway. Main supervisor: Prof. Odd Magnus Faltinsen.


April 1997-August 1999: Temporary-contract Researcher, as expert in numerical methods.

Dept. of Seakeeping and Manoeuvring, INSEAN, The Italian Ship Model Basin, Rome, Italy.



Education Record


January 2013-November 2013: PEDUP - Educational development program, qualification.

PEDUP aims to enhance pedagogical skills of permanent scientific employees at the University NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.


September 2001: Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Hydrodynamics.

Thesis: A two-dimensional Study of Green-Water Loading (MTA-Rapport 2001-146). Main supervisor Professor Odd M. Faltinsen. Courses taken during the Ph.D.: seven exams dealing with theoretical, numerical and experimental analyses involving free-surface flows and wave-body interactions, both in the marine field.  Faculty of Marine Technology, NTNU, Trondheim Norway.


February 1997: Master degree in Aeronautical Engineering. Grade: 110/110 with honour.

Thesis in numerical fluid dynamics: Hydrodynamic loads and wave generation during the motion of marine vehicles. Main supervisor Prof. Giorgio Graziani. The thesis work was carried out at INSEAN, under the supervision of  Dr. Maurizio Landrini. University of Rome “La Sapienza”.  


Outline of Scientific Contributions


Her research activities have mainly concerned theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies on problems involving sea-body interactions. Some of her supervised and/or collaborative research contributions are on fish and fish-like hydrodynamics; bio-inspired studies for underwater vehicles; behaviour at sea of marine net-based/semi-closed and closed fish farms; damaged ship sections at sea; hydrodynamic-load model within a novel analytical hydro-plastic strategy in extreme water slamming; local analytical solutions for water-structure impact and their coupling with global analyses of liquid-structure interactions; water-on-deck scenarios relevant for FPSO platforms in waves and a weakly nonlinear seakeeping solver to study interactions of offshore structures for oil & gas and renewable energy, as well as slowly advancing ships, with steep waves; development of advanced, accurate and efficient solvers for wave propagation and wave-body interactions in scenarios dominated by potential-flow effects and of advanced numerical methods, as well as hybrid solution strategies, coupling different solvers (potential-flow and Navier-Stokes solvers, solvers for incompressible and compressible flows, for multi-phase (including gas-cavity splitting/merging phenomena) and free-surface flows) for accurate and efficient solutions.

Just to mention some of her research contributions:

·         She identified occurrence and features of water-on-deck scenarios relevant for FPSO platforms in waves.

·         She developed local analytical solutions for water-structure impact and coupled them with global analyses of liquid-structure interactions. In this context, she proposed intrinsic and iterative approaches to assess relevance of hydroelasticity. The applications were offshore structures for oil and gas and renewable-energy applications, and very large floating airports.

·         She developed (within a research team) a weakly nonlinear seakeeping solver to study interactions of offshore structures for oil and gas and renewable-energy applications, as well as slowly advancing ships, with steep waves. With this method, among others, occurrence and mutual influence of water on deck and parametric resonance events were analysed and relevant scaling laws were identified.

·         She developed (within a research team) advanced numerical hybrid solution strategies, coupling different solvers (potential-flow solvers, Navier-Stokes solvers, for incompressible and compressible flows, for multi-phase and free-surface flows) for accurate and efficient solutions. This includes dynamic domain decompositions algorithms. Such strategies were applied to investigate large amplitude body motions in free-surface waves, underwater explosions interacting with marine structures, steady inflow interacting with blunt bodies.

·         She developed (within a research team) the hydrodynamic-load model within a novel analytical strategy coupling the hydrodynamic forces and the plastic response of rectangular beams and one-way stiffened panels subjected to extreme water slamming. The proposed analytical model does not require, as input, the challenging estimation of pressure history but only the initial impact velocity and can be useful in guiding rules and standards for the design of ships and offshore structures against extreme slamming loads.



Career Profile


A. Management and Participation in Research Projects




2019-: WP responsible for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS and the Department of Marine Technology, NTNU, in the Research Project AROS - Autonomous Robots for Ocean Sustainability, with leader Professor Kristin Pettersen.


2019-: Operative-Unit responsible for CNR-INM in the Research Project Sistema-Tema 1.8: Energia Elettrica dal Mare.


2019-2023: WP responsible for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS and the Department of Marine Technology, NTNU, in the Research Project SLADE KBN - Fundamental investigations of violent wave actions and impact response, with leader SINTEF Ocean.


2013-2023: Key scientist for the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (CoE) Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, NTNU AMOS (


2013-2022: Project Manager for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Umbrella “Hydrodynamic Challenges in Achieving Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems” split in 10 Annual Projects ranging from Phase I to Phase X.


2013-2017: Project Manager for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 50053200 - Intelligent offshore aquaculture structures (Project 2 of NTNU AMOS – Phase 1).


2003-2007: Project Manager for INSEAN of the Research Project EUCLID CEPA 10 RTP 10.17 Submarine Motions in Confined Waters, four-year contract EDA B0046 (ex EUCLID RTP10.17).




2019-: Operative-Unit responsible for the Research Project Sistema-Tema 1.8: Energia Elettrica dal Mare.


2018-2023: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 90226210 - Marine Robotic platforms (Project 2 of NTNU AMOS – Phase 2,


2018-2023: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 90226310  - Risk Management and maximized operability of ships and ocean structures (Project 3 of NTNU AMOS – Phase 2,


2013-2017: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 50053100 - Optimization and Fault-tolerant Control of Offshore Renewable Energy Systems (Project 1  of NTNU AMOS – Phase 1).


2013-2017: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 50053600 - Energy management and propulsion for greener operations of ships and offshore structures (Project 6  of NTNU AMOS – Phase 1).


2013-2017: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 50053700 - Autonomous marine operations in extreme seas, violent water-structure interactions, deep waters and Arctic (Project 7  of NTNU AMOS – Phase 1).


2013-2017: Participant for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) NTNU AMOS of the Research Project No. 50053800 - Consequences of accidental and abnormal events on ships and offshore structures (Project 8 of NTNU AMOS – Phase 1).


2012-2016: Participant for INSEAN to the Project RITMARE flagship project.


2008-2012: Participant for INSEAN to the 5-year Research Project Violent Water-Vessel Interactions and Related Structural Loads.


2007-2009: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA INSEAN 2007-2009 within the operative unit, area 3.0 “Sea-keeping e Manovrabilità”.


2006-2007: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA INSEAN LUGLIO 2006-DICEMBRE 2007 within the operative unit, area 3.0 “Sea-keeping e Manovrabilità”.


2006-2009: Participant for INSEAN to the Project 6DOF-RANSE RP-Phase II Sviluppo di codici di calcolo per la previsione del comportamento delle navi con mare mosso.


2006-2008: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA RICERCA SULLA SICUREZZA 2006-2008.


2003-2007: Participant for INSEAN to the Research Project Green Water Events and Related Structural Loads.


2003-2005: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA RICERCA SULLA SICUREZZA PER IL TRIENNIO 2003-2005.


2001-2004: Participant for INSEAN to the Project 6DOF-RANSE RP Sviluppo di un codice di calcolo per la previsione del comportamento delle navi in condizione di mare grosso.


2000-2002: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA INSEAN 2000-2002 within the operative unit, area 3.0 “Dinamica dei Veicoli Marini”.


1998-1999: Participant for INSEAN to the PROGRAMMA DI RICERCA INSEAN 1997-1999 within the operative unit, area 3.0 “Sicurezza delle Navi e della Navigazione”.


B.  Teaching and Lecturer Activities


2014–: Responsible and co-lecturer of the PhD course MR8300 “Hydrodynamic Aspects of   Marine Structures I” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.

Course content in brief: Source and dipole methods applied to hydrodynamic problems for marine structures. Effect of waves and current. Conventional ships and high-speed vessels in calm water and waves. Sloshing. Nonlinear hydrodynamic loads on marine structures. CFD methods. Slamming. Whipping. Wave drift loads in irregular sea. Sum-frequency effects. Ringing.



2011–: Contributing lecturer, and responsible since 2017, of the MSc course TMR4217 “Hydrodynamics of high-speed marine vehicles” ” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.

Course content in brief: The course considers the three main categories of high-speed vessels, i.e. hull-supported, air-cushion supported and foil supported vessels. Hull-supported vessels are semi-displacement and planing vessels. All hydrodynamic aspects are discussed: resistance, trim, wash, propulsion, seakeeping, hydrodynamic stability and maneuvering. Links to automatic control and structural mechanics are emphasized.



2010–: Responsible and lecturer of the MSc course TMR4215 “Sea Loads” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.

Course content in brief: Basic equations and linearization. Regular and irregular waves. Wind. Current. Radiation and diffraction problems. Excitation loads. Added-mass and damping: physical meaning, strip-theory. Methods to estimate cross-sectional added mass and damping. Restoring loads. Response in regular waves and irregular sea states. Minimization of heave, pitch and roll ship motion. Second-order effects: mean values, difference and sum-frequency effects. Mean wave induced loads from direct pressure integration and conservation of fluid momentum. Drift loads from body capability in generating waves. Maruo’s formula. Conservation of fluid momentum. Direct-pressure integration versus conservation of fluid momentum. Added resistance in waves. Viscous effects on mean wave forces. Slow drift motions. Slow drift motions in irregular waves. Wave-drift damping. Eddy-making damping: equivalent linearization. Slowly varying oscillations due to wind. Slow-drift models. Sum-frequency effects.  Current and wind loads. Boundary-layer. Wake. Current loads on offshore structures. Wind loads. Vortex-induced resonance oscillations. Galloping. Viscous wave loads and damping. Stationkeeping. Slamming. Water entry. Water exit.



March 2010: Invited lecturer on “Domain-Decomposition Strategies for Marine Applications” at Det Norske Veritas (DNV) of Oslo and for PhD students at the Dept. of Mathematics of the University of Oslo.


Academic years 2004-2009: Within the PhD course “Hydrodynamic Aspects of   Marine Structures I” at the Dept. of Marine Technology of Univ. NTNU, M. Greco provided  three-hour numerical lectures titled “Domain-Decomposition strategy: a BEM coupled with a Navier-Stokes plus Level-Set solver”. In 2009, she provided a three-hour lecture titled “An introduction to CFD methods for marine applications”. Lecture notes for the two topics were produced. These activities have been carried out during her periods as visiting researcher of the Centre of Excellence CeSOS and from 2008 as adjunct professor at NTNU.


Academic year 2002-2003:  Nine-hour numerical seminar on the subject titled “Sea waves and their interaction with structures” for Ph.D. students of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Genoa, Italy. The topic is related to the wave-body interaction in deep-open waters and concerns linear, weakly-nonlinear and fully nonlinear models. Theory, features of numerical solvers and physical investigations were dealt with. The fully nonlinear analysis was discussed in the context of Boundary Element Methods (BEM) solving the potential flow problem, field methods solving the Euler/Navier-Stokes equations, and Domain-Decomposition (DD) algorithms to combine them.



C.  Supervisor and Scientific Advisor Activities


Supervision of Post-Doctorate studies


2020-2021: As NTNU professor, responsible for the Post-Doctorate research of PhD Finn-Christian Hanssen with topic on Further Developing the HPC Method for Marine Hydrodynamics within a collaboration between NTNU AMOS and DNV.

Dept. of Marine Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.


2018-: As NTNU professor, responsible for the ongoing Post-Doctorate research of PhD Yugao Shen with topic on limits for fish farm operations - Numerical study towards a moored closed rigid fish farm in waves.

Dept. of Marine Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.


2004-2005: As INSEAN researcher, responsible for the Post-Doctorate research, within a Marie Curie Fellowship, of PhD David Le Touzé from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN) performed from 01/02/2004 until 31/01/2005 and from 15/04/2005 until 14/08/2005. Presently, David Le Touzé is professor at ECN. This activity was performed at INSEAN. It dealt with the development of a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) solver for the analysis of three-dimensional free-surface flow problems. (Administrative orders N. 1261 of 30/01/2004 and N. 1645 of 15/04/2005 by INSEAN General Director).

INSEAN-The Italian Ship Model Basin/ Seakeeping and Manoeuvring, Italy.



Supervision of PhD studies

As NTNU professor, supervisor of the following ongoing PhD studies:

1.          Casper Potter. Topic: Bio-inspired flow sensing for articulated intervention autonomous underwater vehicles (main supervisor)

2.          Carina Norvik. Topic: Bioinspired Fins for Articulated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (main supervisor)

3.          Alireza Ahari. Topic: Local structural response due to wave slamming. (main supervisor).

4.          Shaojun Ma. Topic: Fish hydrodynamics (main supervisor).

5.          Daniele Borri. Topic: Hydrodynamics of oil spills from oil tankers (main supervisor).


As NTNU professor, supervisor of the following completed PhD studies:

1.           Hui-Li Xu. Topic: Fish-inspired propulsion study: numerical hydrodynamics of rigid/flexible/morphing foils and observations on real fish. PhD study completed with public defense on 12/01/2022 (main supervisor).

2.           Mohd Atif Siddiqui. Topic: Behaviour of a damaged ship in waves. PhD study completed with public defense on 27/11/2020 (main supervisor).

3.           Finn-Christian Hanssen. Topic: Nonlinear wave loads on marine structures in extreme sea states. PhD study completed with public defense on 07/06/2019  (main supervisor).

4.          Isar Ghamari. Topic: Hydrodynamics of parametric roll resonance and capsizing of fishing vessels. PhD study completed with public defense on 01/02/2019 (co-supervisor).

5.          Yugao Shen. Topic: Operational Limits for Floating-Collar Fish Farms in Waves and Current, without and with Well-Boat Presence. PhD study completed with public defense on 23/11/2018 (main supervisor).

6.          Zhaolong Yu. Topic: Hydrodynamic and structural aspects in ship collisions. PhD study completed with public defense on 21/09/2017 (co-supervisor).



Supervision of MSc theses

As NTNU professor, (main or co-) supervisor of the following completed master theses involving 47 students:

1.          2023, Ana Nusa Versnik “Analysis of loads encountered during a single lift operation of offshore wind turbines” (NTNU supervisor within the European Wind Energy- Double Degree Joint Education Master Programme).

2.          2023, Karl Andres Sandvik “A parameter analysis of on/off-loading strategies for offshore aquaculture” (main supervisor).

3.          2023, Stian Røine Brurås “A survivability analysis of two floating offshore wind turbines in intact and damaged conditions” (main supervisor).

4.          2023, Martinus Kristiansen Aarmo “A station-keeping analysis of a damaged floating offshore wind turbine” (main supervisor).

5.          2022, Daniel W. Ekerhovd and Stian Boge “A hydro-aerodynamic analysis of a Floating Offshore wind turbine to assist in floater selection” (main supervisor).

6.          2022, Eirik Anda “Numerical Study of Potential and Viscous, Nonlinear, Effects for Wave Drift Loads on Offshore Structures” (main supervisor).

7.          2022, Helen Abraham and Amund Garsrud Tvedt “A Feasibility Study of a Renewable-Energy Supply for an Offshore Oil and Gas Installation” (main supervisor).

8.          2022, Eirik Ruben Grimholt Søvik “Systematic Analysis of Experiments on Sub-Carangiform Fish Hydrodynamics” (main supervisor).

9.          2021, Daniele Aromatario “Dinamica di una piattaforma galleggiante per eolico offshore: studio delle forze idrodinamiche in presenza di giunzioni complesse nell'ambito di una teoria a potenziale” (student from Univ. of Study Roma 3, academic year 2020-2021, as co-supervisor).

10.        2021, Spencer August Dugan “Prediction of wave-induced ship responses using tuned transfer functions” (within the Joint Nordic Master for Maritime Engineering program, co-supervisor).

11.        2020, Frida Mattson “Numerical Study of Nonlinear Effects for the Wave-Induced Drift Loads on an FPSO” (main supervisor).

12.  2020, Frode Moen “Experimental Analysis of Sea-bass Hydrodynamics” (main supervisor).

13.  2020, Lars Thoresen Haug “Hydrodynamic Study of ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Operations at Net-based Fish Farms” (main supervisor).

14.  2019, Tianlei Miao, “Generation of a full-envelope hydrodynamic database for hydrobatic AUVs”, from University KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (co-supervisor).

15.  2019, Anni Yang Christensen “Analysis of Vortex Induced Motions for Floating Wind Turbines” (main supervisor).

16.  Cecilie Vangdal “Hydrodynamic study of offshore wind turbines in extreme conditions” (main supervisor).

17.  2019, Ida Oline Håberg “Foil Motion Control of High-speed Catamarans” (main supervisor).

18.  2019, Karoline Eriksen “Numerical investigation of a bottom–fixed wind turbine in severe environmental conditions” (main supervisor).

19.  2019, Mildrid Sofie Breivik Haga “Hydrodynamic challenges of floating wind turbines in shallower depths” (main supervisor).

20.  2019, Simone Di Carlo "Offshore floating wind turbines as sea state observers", from University Politecnico di Milano (co-supervisor).

21.  2019, Michael C.E. Jensen “Numerical study on roll damping, relevant for FPSO platforms“ (main supervisor).

22.  2018, Christopher Lawrence “Higher Order Spectral method for wave scenarios with nonlinear and dispersive effects“(main supervisor).

23.  2017, Øyvind Rabliås, “Development of a new Navier-Stokes Solver using a Generalized HPC method for the Pressure Poisson Equation” (main supervisor).

24.  2017, Andreas Grung Svendsen “Hydrodynamic effects relevant for free falling lifeboat modelled with compressible air” (main supervisor).

25.  2017, Simen Groth “Structural loads on a free-falling lifeboat” (main supervisor).

26.  2017, Vegard Netland “Hydrodynamic effects relevant for free-falling lifeboats in wave conditions” (main supervisor).

27.  2017, David Hugh Williams “Green-water phenomena for feed barges in exposed sea areas” (main supervisor).

28.  2017, Julie Vadholm “Numerical study on wave drift loading on slender marine structures” (main supervisor).

29.  2016, Einar Biørn-Hansen “Coupling of a 2D Boundary Element Method with a local analytical solution to deal with geometrical singularities” (main supervisor).

30.  2015, Arne Kristian Sæther “An Experimental Investigation on Bio-Fouling Induced Drag” (main supervisor).

31.  2015, Pauline Øien “Physical investigation of slamming loads on a 2D body” (main supervisor).

32.  2015, Wenbo Zhu “Numerical wave tank for nonlinear waves in various water depths” (main supervisor).          

33.  2015, Ran Xiao “Numerical investigation for the moment caused by shallow water sloshing under a transient roll motion” (agreement with Aalto University, co-supervisor).

34.  2014, Sigve Håland ”Lowering and lifting operations through moonpools: Hydrodynamic investigations” (main supervisor).

35.  2014, Torleif Bertelsen ”Installation of large subsea structures: Lowering of suction anchors through the splash zone” (main supervisor).

36.  2013, Even Rosenlund “Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Effects for Bottom-Fixed Wind Turbines“(main supervisor).

37.  2013, Johannes Joachim Kalevi Geyssel “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Parametric Roll” (main supervisor).

38.  2013, Peter Johannessen and Lars Otto Jordal ”Statistical Analysis of Design Load for a Vessel: Slamming Loads” (main supervisor).

39.  2013, Yi Luo ”Numerical Investigation of Wave-Body Interactions in Shallow Water” (main supervisor).

40.  2012, Line J.C.H. Dahl, “Octabuoy concept and Spar Buoys: non linear effects and analysis” (main supervisor).

41.  2012, Marianne-Isabelle Falk and Thomas Skorpen “Dry tree semisubmersible platform: coupling between the hydro-pneumatic riser tensioning system, the risers and the hull (main supervisor).

42.  2012, Thea Spieler “Roll damping of an FPSO: towards a CFD investigation of the problem (main supervisor).

43.  2012, Nikolai Gustavsen “Global analysis of floating bridge” (co-supervisor).



Supervision of internships


As NTNU professor, supervisor of internships at NTNU of MSc/PhD students from abroad:

1.           NTNU supervisor of a four-month internship, part of “Tesi su proposta” (Thesis under proposal) project, of a MSc student, Francesco De Marinis, from the Italian University Politecnico di Torino. Internship on hydrodynamic studies relevant for the student’s MSc thesis: " Advancements in wave energy conversion: a numerical analysis of the C4 CorPower WEC’s dynamic response in various wave scenarios" with main supervisor Prof. Giovanni Bracco and with M. Greco an official co-supervisor. From: 16/10/2023 - To: 29/02/2024.

2.           NTNU supervisor of a three-month internship within ERASMUS programme of a MSc student, Tommaso Ciancabilla, from the Italian University of Perugia. Internship on hydrodynamic studies on Energy harvesting device in water current. From: 10/08/2023 - To: 10/12/2023.

3.           NTNU primary technical contact of a two-week internship within under the auspices of the Croatian Science Foundation under the project IP-2018-01-3739, Decision Support System for Green and Safe Ship Routing (DESSERT) of a PhD student, Ivan Sulovsky, from the University of Rijeka, Croatia. Internship on hydrodynamic studies on “CFD methods for marine applications” relevant for the student’s PhD work " with main supervisor Prof. Jasna Prpic-Orsic. September 2022.

4.          NTNU supervisor of a three-month internship within ERASMUS programme of a MSc student, Simone Di Carlo, from the Italian University Politecnico di Milano. Internship on hydrodynamic studies relevant for the student’s MSc thesis: "Offshore floating wind turbine as a sea state observer" with main supervisor Prof. Marco Belloli. From: 13/08/2018 - To: 18/12/2018.

5.          NTNU supervisor of a one-month internship of a MSc student, Robson Costa Santiago, from the Brazilian Federal University of ABC. Internship on experimental studies and analysis of an underwater-water vehicle near the free surface. From: 10/05/2018 - To: 10/06/2018.

6.          NTNU supervisor of a three-month internship of a MSc student, Anna Wolski, from the French University ENSTA ParisTech. Internship topic: “Experimental investigation of booms in multiphase flows: design of 2D sloshing tests and preliminary results. The student started the internship at the Dept. of Marine Technology of NTNU and completed performing model tests on a sloshing tank at CNR-INSEAN. From: 14/05/2014 - To: 14/07/2014.



Supervision of researchers


As INSEAN researcher, she was responsible and scientific supervisor for the research of employees hired with temporary contract at INSEAN to perform theoretical and numerical studies on problems with free-surface flows of practical interest in the Naval and Coastal Engineering:

1.       Benjamin Bouscasse. From: 11/05/2007 To: 31/12/2007

2.       Benjamin Bouscasse. From: 22/01/2007 To: 30/04/2007

3.       Giuseppina Colicchio. From: 02/05/2006 To: 31/12/2006

4.       David Letouzé. From: 23/01/2006 To: 31/03/2006

5.       Giuseppina Colicchio. From: 25/01/2006 To: 30/04/2006

6.       Luca Greco. From: 24/01/2005 To: 31/12/2005

7.       Giuseppina Colicchio. From: 21/05/2004 To: 31/12/2004

8.       Mario Felli. From: 08/03/2004 To: 10/09/2004

9.       Andrea Colagrossi. From: 21/01/2004 To: 29/04/2004

10.     Giuseppina Colicchio. From: 21/01/2004 To: 29/04/2004



Tutoring activities


2003-2010: Visiting researcher and affiliated scientist at the Norwegian Centre of Excellence CeSOS, NTNU, Trondheim, in the period between 2003 and 2010, for 6 months each year. This was as a part of the two INSEAN-CeSOS contracts: “Green Water Events and Related Structural Loads” and “Violent Water-Vessel Interactions and Related Structural Loads”. Until 2008, she was a visiting researcher and from 2008 to 2010 she was adjunct professor (professor II). During her staying at the Centre, she tutored Ph.D students working on the development of numerical hydrodynamic tools for ships and offshore structures.


2003: As INSEAN researcher, co-tutor of the master theses and research activities of 3 Italian students of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering of the University of Rome La Sapienza and of the stages of 4 students from the French Engineering Universities ENSIETA (Brest) and Ecole Centrale de Nantes (Nantes). She was INSEAN responsible for the stage of 2 of these students, Julien Touboul (MSc thesis: Numerical simulation of water exit of arbitrary bodies) and Benjamin Bouscasse (Msc thesis: 3-D free-decay roll motion tests), Administrative order N. 1107 of 09/07/2003 by INSEAN General Director.



D. Examiner and Reviewer Activities


Assessment of MSc and PhD students


2014-: Co-examiner of students for the PhD course MR8300 “Hydrodynamic Aspects of   Marine Structures I” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.


2011-: Co-examiner of students for the MSc course TMR4217 “Hydrodynamics of high-speed marine vehicles” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.

2010-: Examiner of students for the MSc course TMR4215 “Sea Loads” at the Dept. of Marine Technology, Univ. NTNU.



Committee member:  PhD committees and reviewed PhD theses/research reviewer


2024: Opponent in the PhD committee for the thesis “Chao Tong: A high-order adaptive harmonic polynomial cell method with immersed boundaries for weakly/fully nonlinear wave-structure interaction simulations” at the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.


2022: Reviewer for the PhD thesis “Xingwen Zheng: Flow-sensing mechanisms and biomimetic potential of seal whiskers” at the University of Groningen, The Netherland.


2022: Examiner in the PhD committee for the thesis “Paul Landesman: Simulation of wave-structure interaction by a two-way coupling between a fully nonlinear potential flow model and a Navier-Stokes solver” at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France.


2021: Opponent in the PhD committee for the thesis “Jacob Bjarke Hansen Hicks: Development of a high-order potential flow solver for nonlinear wave-structure interaction” at the Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.


2020: Referee in the PhD committee for the thesis “Fabien Robaux: Numerical simulation of wave-body interaction: development of a fully nonlinear potential flow solver and assessment of two local coupling strategies with a CFD solver” at the Aix Marseille University, France.


2018-2019: Reviewer for the PhD thesis “Xiantao Zhang: A two-dimensional investigation of greenwater overtopping of simplified vessels” from University of Western Australia.


2018: Reviewer for the PhD thesis “Filippo Nelli: Experimental and numerical modelling of wave dissipation due to sea ice” from Australian Swinburne University of Technology.


2017: Reviewer for the PhD thesis “Shri.D Vamshi Krishna: Studies on vortex induced responses of marine riser and moored semisubmersible” from Indian Institute of Technology Madras.


2017: Reviewer for the PhD thesis “Andrea Bardazzi: Wave impact in sloshing flows: hydroelasticity in shallow water condition” from Italian University of Rome “Sapienza”.


2015: Reviewer for the University of Calabria of a research grant holder.


2015: Reviewer for the Academy of Finland of an application of research infrastructures.


2013-2014: Reviewer and first opponent in the PhD committee for the thesis “Arne Bøckmann: Novel developments in the simulation of free surface flows, with applications to marine and offshore engineering” at the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway.


2009-2023: Administrator and member in 16 PhD committees connected with studies in marine hydrodynamics. Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway.



Committee member: Positions in universities and research institutes


2023-2024: Reviewer for the scientific assessment of an associate professor for promotion to professor in Fluid-Structure Interaction. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.


2022: Committee member for a position of senior researcher in Green Shipping. Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.


2022: Committee member for a position of associate professor in Fluid Mechanics. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.


2021: Committee member for a position of Head of Department. Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway.


2020: Committee member for a position of adjunct professor in offshore wind energy. University of Bergen, Norway.


2020: Committee member for a position of associate professor in offshore wind energy. University of Bergen, Norway.


2019: Committee member and administrator for a position of full professor/associate professor in marine hydrodynamics. Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway.


2017: Committee member for a public competition for one permanent researcher contract. The position was for CNR-INSEAN, Marine Technology Research Institute, Italy.


2015: Committee member for a public competition for one temporary contract of research collaborator. The position was for INSEAN – The Italian Ship Model Basin, Italy


2007: Committee president for a public competition for a temporary contract of research collaborator. The position was for the INSEAN – The Italian Ship Model Basin, Italy.


2004: Committee member and secretary to assess the improvement of professional level of certain categories of INSEAN employees.  INSEAN – The Italian Ship Model Basin, Italy.


2002: Committee member for a public competition for one permanent technical collaborator for Research Institutes. The position was for INSEAN – The Italian Ship Model Basin, Italy.



Committee member: Evaluation panels, selection, and steering committees

2024-2026:   Deputy Member of the Norwegian Shipping Association's Fund at NTNU.

Marine Technology Department (IMT), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.


2023-2026: Steering-Committee member for Project “SEAWORTHY – Hydrodynamic aspects of green shipping”. Leader: SINTEF Ocean, Norway.


2022: Evaluation-panel member for “Periodic study programme evaluation marine technology NTNU 2022”, Dept. of Marine Technology, NTNU, Norway.


2021-2025:  Member of the Marine Technology Department council.

Marine Technology Department (IMT), Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.


2015-: Selection committee member for the screening of marine-hydrodynamic papers submitted to the annual Moan-Faltinsen Best Paper Award for PhD students.



Peer reviewer and editor activities


2017-: Associate editor for Journal of Fluids and Structures.

( This journal serves as a focal point and a forum for the exchange of ideas, for the many kinds of specialists and practitioners concerned with fluid–structure interactions and the dynamics of systems related thereto, in any field. One of its aims is to foster the cross–fertilization of ideas, methods and techniques in the various disciplines involved. The journal publishes papers that present original and significant contributions on all aspects of the mechanical interactions between fluids and solids, regardless of scale. Journal Metrics:  Impact Factor (2019) = 3.184. 5-Year Impact Factor= 2.874. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.24. H-index= 96. Quartiles (Mechanical Engineering)=1.


2007-: Referee for peer-reviewed conferences (e.g. OMAE) and for international journals, some of which leading journals in fluid dynamics, marine hydrodynamics and other fields. Their list is provided here, in alphabetic order:

1.                 Advanced Science

2.                 Applied Ocean Research

3.                 Computers and Fluids

4.                 Engineering and Computational Mechanics

5.                 European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids

6.                 International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering

7.                 Journal of Applied Mathematics

8.                 Journal of Computational Physics

9.                 Journal of Engineering Mathematics

10.              Journal of Fluid and Structures

11.              Journal of Fluid Mechanics

12.              Journal of Marine Science and Application

13.              Journal of Marine Science and Technology

14.              Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

15.              Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy

16.              Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering

17.              Journal of Ship Research

18.              Marine Structures

19.              Marine Systems & Ocean Technology Journal

20.              Naval Engineers Journal

21.              Ocean Engineering

22.              Physics of Fluids

23.              Ships and Offshore Structures

24.              Water



E.  Organizer Activities for Scientific Events


2007: Co-organizer with Prof. O.M. Faltinsen of the Workshop “CFD Solvers for Unsteady Marine Applications: Capabilities and Challenges” under the support of the Centre of Excellence CeSOS, Norway (available online at CFD/index.php).


2006: Member of the organizing committee for the 26th international “Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics” connected with the U.S. Navy- Office of Naval Research (ONR) and arranged in Rome under the management of INSEAN. The participants were 154.



F.   Recognitions of Scientific Expertise and Awards


2023-2026:  Steering-Committee member.

Project “SEAWORTHY – Hydrodynamic aspects of green shipping”. Leader: SINTEF Ocean, Norway.


2023: Feature paper.

Siddiqui M.A., Hanssen F-C. W., Greco M., Anda E., 2023, Comparing the Utility of Coupled Aero-Hydrodynamic Analysis Using a CFD Solver versus a Potential Flow Solver for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Energies 16 (23), 7833.

Co-author of paper selected as feature paper in “Energies”. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field.


2022: Top downloaded paper.

Hanssen F-C. W., Helmers J.B., Greco M., Shao Y., 2022, A 3D fully-nonlinear potential-flow solver for efficient simulations of large-scale free-surface waves, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 124.

Co-author of paper that received Wiley’s official recognition as one of the most downloaded during its first 12 months of publication.


2022: Working-group member.

Member of a NTNU-Salmar Aker Ocean-SINTEF Ocean working group aimed to write a Strategic Document on priorities towards 2040 for Offshore Aquaculture.


2021-2022: Specially Appointed Professor (Honorary position).

Division of Global Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering - OSAKA University. This position has been established through an agreement between the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the Osaka university. Duration: April 2021 – March 2022.


2019: Outstanding Reviewer of the Year.

Recognized as “Outstanding Reviewer of the Year” for the ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (JOMAE).


2017: Best paper.

Co-author of best paper in marine hydrodynamics for the Moan-Faltinsen Award. This is dedicated to Professors Torgeir Moan and Odd M. Faltinsen and is meant to award young students or researchers for their outstanding research work, to recognize their academic contributions and to encourage the young generation to pursue high-level research in the field of marine technology.


2014-2028: Qualification as Full Professor in Italy.

She got the qualification as Full Professor in the Italian University System (MIUR) in Aeronautical, Aero-spatial and Naval engineering (09/A1 – I Fascia, https:

// This has been extended until 2020.


2012: Awarded by Norwegian Research Council (NRC).

NRC awarded M. Greco, together with other five key scientists, for the establishment and management of the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (NTNU AMOS). After five years, NTNU AMOS has been prolonged for additional five years. It is worldwide recognized as a leading research centre in marine operations.


2011: Selected as Key Scientist of a Research Centre.

The Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology of the University NTNU, Trondheim, chose M. Greco as key scientist for her knowledge in Marine Hydrodynamics. She was asked to cooperate with other five key scientists with expertise in Structural Mechanics, Guidance Systems, Navigation and Sensor Systems, and Control and Optimization, in creating a new multi and interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence in Trondheim. The Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, NTNU AMOS, has been accepted in November 2012, launched in 2013 and is ongoing.


2008: Commendation by ODG N. 7525 in 01/04/2008 of the INSEAN President.

The motivation was: "Ricercatrice che, grazie alle sue non comuni doti professionali e culturali, alla sua predisposizione alla didattica ed al suo carattere determinato, ha saputo farsi apprezzare e stimare nell’ambito della Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), così da risultare vincitrice del concorso per l incarico di professore aggiunto in Marine Technology (Computational Marine Hydrodynamics) per il periodo 01/01/2008 31/01/2013. La dott.ssa GRECO ha contribuito, con questo splendido risultato, ad accrescere il prestigio e l immagine dell INSEAN nel contesto internazionale”.


2009: Documentation of research in academic books.

Professors O.M. Faltinsen and A.N. Timokha mention part of her research findings in connection with impact and green-water phenomena in the book "Sloshing" (2009). She also performed a quality check for parts of the book.


2007:  Offer to become adjunct professor (professor II).

M. Greco received the offer to become adjunct professor at the Dept. of Marine Technology of NTNU, Trondheim, from the Dean, after the recommendation and funding offered by the Centre of Excellence. The position was for activities of teaching, tutoring and examiner of PhD students. This offer was open only to her and involved the need of a formal examination as for standard professorships competitions. She became adjunct professor in February 2008 and renounced to the position after becoming full professor at NTNU in January 2010 with a five-year funding from Det Norske Veritas (DNV).


2005: Documentation of research in academic books.

Professor O.M. Faltinsen mentions part of her research findings in connection with impact and green-water phenomena in the book “Hydrodynamics of high-speed marine vehicles” (2005). She also performed a quality check for parts of the book.



G. Invited Lecturer in Workshops/Conferences/Communication Events


2024: Greco M, Green Water - An environmentally-friendly name for a potentially-dangerous phenomenon, 7th RWWWFB (Regular Webinar of Water Waves and Floating Bodies), held online.

2022: Greco M, Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities in Marine Technology, invited speaker for 64th Hydro-Seminar, Graduate School of Engineering - Osaka University, held online.


2021: Greco M, Wave induced hydroelastic ship response, invited lecture for SUSTAINABLE SHIP AND SHIPPING 4.0 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, held online (


2017: Sørensen A.J., Pettersen K.Y., Greco M., Fossen T.I., Be Inspired by NTNU AMOS: Conquering the sea with the use of autonomous systems and robots, invited presentation and communication for the dissemination event Excellent looking for excellent:  NTNU Centres of Excellence and Aker Scholarship for inspiring NTNU students, Trondheim, Norway ( ).


2017: Greco, M., Hydrodynamics highlights from NTNU AMOS ongoing research, invited presentation and communication at Ocean Week, Trondheim, Norway (


2013: Greco, M., Green Water on Ships Decks, invited presentation and communication at the Conference on “CeSOS Highlights and AMOS Visions”, Trondheim, Norway (available online at


2007: Colicchio, G., Greco, M., A Domain Decomposition Strategy for Unsteady Interfacial Flows: Why and How CFD Solvers for Unsteady Marine Applications: Capabilities and Challenges, invited presentation and communication shared with Dr. Giuseppina Colicchio at the International Workshop on “CFD Solvers for Unsteady Marine Applications: Capabilities and Challenges”, Trondheim, Norway (



Carrier Breaks


2014-2015: Maternity leave, with three months of 100% leave and then five months of 80% leave.