
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Department of Marine Technology


Marilena Greco

PhD Marine Hydrodynamics, MSc Aeronautical Engineering





Jonsvannsveien 82, C455, Moholt, Trondheim


Department of Marine Technology

Norwegian University of Science and Technology


+47 73 59 54 40/+47 46798006


Otto Nielsens vei 10
N-7491 Trondheim


Fields of interest


Marine Hydrodynamics. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Nonlinear Free Surface and Multiphase Flows. Free-surface Wave propagation. Seakeeping of Vessels and Offshore Structures. Water on deck. Slamming. Fluid-Structure Interactions. Hydroelasticity. Vessel Dynamic Instabilities. Offshore Aquaculture. Offshore Renewable Energy. Bio-inspired concepts for marine applications.


Other information


Curriculum Vitae, Publications, Biography  




·       TMR4215 Sea Loads (responsible and lecturer)

·       TMR4217 Hydrodynamics of High-speed Marine Vehicles (responsible since 2017 and co-lecturer)

·       MR8300 Hydrodynamic Aspects of   Marine Structures I (responsible and co-lecturer)

·       TMR4520 - Marine Hydrodynamics, Specialization Project (for project-thesis guidance)


Present PhD candidates


·     Daniele Borri. Topic: Hydrodynamics of oil spills from oil tankers. (supervisor)

·     Shaojun Ma. Topic: Fish hydrodynamics. (supervisor)

·     Alireza Ahani. Topic: Local structural response due to wave slamming. (supervisor)

·     Carina Norvik. Topic: Bioinspired Fins for Articulated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. (supervisor)

·     Casper Potter. Topic: Bio-inspired flow sensing for articulated intervention autonomous underwater vehicles (supervisor)



Graduated PhD candidates


·      Hui-Li Xu. 2022. Topic: Hui-Li Xu. Topic: Fish-inspired propulsion study: numerical hydrodynamics of rigid/flexible/morphing foils and observations on real fish. (supervisor)

·     Mohd Atif Siddiqui. 2020. Topic: Behaviour of a damaged ship in waves. (supervisor)

·       Finn-Christian Hanssen. 2019. Topic: Nonlinear wave loads on marine structures in extreme sea states. (supervisor)

·       Isar Ghamari. 2019. Topic: Hydrodynamics of parametric roll resonance and capsizing of fishing vessels. (co-supervisor)

·       Yugao Shen. 2018. Topic: Operational Limits for Floating-Collar Fish Farms in Waves and Current, without and with Well-Boat Presence. (supervisor)

·       Zhaolong Yu. 2017. Topic: Hydrodynamic and structural aspects in ship collisions. (co-supervisor)


Post-doctorate studies at NTNU


·       Finn-Christian Hanssen. Topic: on Further Developing the HPC Method for Marine Hydrodynamics. (completed)

·       Yugao Shen. Topic: Limits for fish farm operations - Numerical study towards a moored closed rigid fish farm in waves.  (completed)


Project and MSc theses


·       List of completed MSc theses

·       Proposals for new topics are in the Teams: Master Projects IMT 2024 à Marine Hydrodynamics à Project_Master_Theses_MGreco_2024_25.pdf.



Responsible editor: Webmaster 
Last updated by : Marilena Greco 
Last modified: 24/06-2024
