MA2104 2006: Midterm results

I have finished grading the midterm test. The results appear below. They are scaled so that a full score is 20 points. Remember that these results only count if they improve on the final exam.

Student# Points
325770 11
430538 6
653723 11
659763 6
659858 13
666503 15
668999 10
669000 8
669001 8
669015 10
673432 6
674837 11
674896 13
674897 12
681094 14
682560 12
683066 16
683070 18
683073 15
683078 8
683085 15
684707 15
685009 17
685014 19
685015 13
685016 19
685017 14
685019 4
685021 6
685023 4
685025 10
685034 14
685038 11
685040 13
685975 19
686008 7
686009 18
691504 11
693775 10

This is how I computed the results

For each question or subquestion, I awarded 1 point for a correct answer and 0 points for an incorrect answer. However, an answer that was close enough to correct to clearly indicate correct thinking earned 1/2 point.

Those problems which had several points A, B, etc., namely problems 6 and 9–12 where rescaled so that a correct answer to each point earned a total of 2 points for the problem. As a result, a 100% correct test would produce 17 points. I finally multiplied by 20/17 to normalize the result.

Problem 6 was treated specially: Each question A–D was awarded 0&dnash;4 points counting the number of correct answers (open, closed, connected, simply connected). Not saying open when the set was not open earned a point, and similarly with the other properties. Then the points were rescaled to a total of 2 points for the whole problem.

Harald Hanche-Olsen Oppdatert: 2006–11–06 20:21