Make Mesh

Open PreProcessor

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Open the PreProcessor by right-clicking on the “PreProcessor” node in the WorkSpace Tree.

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The “PreProcessor” by default opens in double-camera mode.

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Use the camera-mode dropdown-list to switch between single-camera and double-camera mode.

Load Image

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Load an image in the view using the “floppy”-icon.

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Here, an image has been loaded. This is the reference image for the DIC analysis, i.e., the first image of the image sequence recorder before any loading of the specimen. We want to generate a mesh that fits the specimen as shown in this image.

Generate Mesh

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The “Mesh Generation” Tool is opened from the “Tools” tab on the menu bar.

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The “Mesh Generation” Tool

To generate a structured mesh, click “Generate Structured Q4” in the “Mesh Generation Tool”.

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Choose element size of the structured Q4 mesh, or accept default values.

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Modify Mesh

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Save Mesh

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