Introducing the Auto Diagnostics Report

(A Platinum™ Feature)


The Report Page shows you the results of the Auto Diagnostics tests that you have performed and provides an update regarding the operating condition of the instrument.

  1. Select the Platinum button at the bottom left-hand side of the main instrument control window.

  2. Click Auto Diagnostics from the list of Automatic Tasks, a set of pages is displayed. Select the Auto Diagnostics Page to set up a number of tasks that can be executed on demand or can be automatically performed at the time(s), date(s), and frequency selected on the Schedule Page.

  3. Perform the Auto Diagnostics procedures, see Using Auto Diagnostics for more information.

  4. View the results on the Auto Diagnostics Report Page by clicking on the Report tab at the top of the dialog. The results can be sent via email or Windows Messaging. See Using the Messaging Page for more information.

NOTE:  If you want to capture only the real-time information found in the diagnostics report, select Start Now on the Auto Diagnostics Page without choosing any of the Automatic Tasks. This will give you an updated report.

The Auto Diagnostics report is saved as an .htm file (e.g., DiagnRptFor___.htm) to the HTML directory within the TA Instruments Advantage program directory. (e.g., C:\Program Files\TA Instruments\Thermal Advantage\Qseries\HTML.) This file is overwritten each time a new diagnostics report is generated.

The following items appear on the report, depending on the Auto Diagnostic routines and the type of instrument selected:


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