Re: LM-rettsaka og ITNs falskneri.

From: Oddmund Garvik (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 23:27:04 MET

  • Next message: Bjarne Naerum: "Re: Gladmelding?"

    Asgeir Bjørkedal a écrit :
    > Etter å ha lese innlegga her på forumet om LM-saka, får eg inntrykk av at
    > det er ein del forvirring om det reelle innhaldet i saka. Det er ganske
    > enkelt, Diana Johnstone formulerer det slik:

    Eg veit ikkje om det er så mykje forvirring her i leiren om denne saka,
    men samstundes vaktar eg meg for å sjå på saka som "ganske enkel". Kva
    Diana Johnstone skriv, er bortimot likegyldig for min del. Spørsmålet om
    LM Magazine er "leftist", og om soga bak fotografiet det er snakk er "a
    simple, but little-known fact" er i høgste grad diskutabelt.

    Rettssaka mellom store ITN og vesle LM er noko disproporsjonert, og det
    er ikkje vanskeleg å ta avstand frå den sida av saka. Men å lage
    koplingar og trekkje konklusjonar om "the new Western values", som
    Johnstone gjer, verkar noko paranoid. Dvs. ein er jo blitt vane med
    slikt frå den kanten. Slike historiar blir utnytta maksimalt til å
    bagatellisere karakteren av krigane i det tidlegare Jugoslavia - anten
    det gjeld Bosnia, eller Kosovo. Ein snur på flisa, og vips så var det
    ingen leirar likevel i Bosnia. Nokre av flyktningane var litt magre, men
    elles var alt i orden. Dette er den vanlege revisjonismen som alle
    krigar gir opphav til.

    Kor mange fotografi i historia til fotojournalismen har ikkje vore
    iscenesett på forskjellige vis, til og med krigsfotografi? Eg kjenner
    personleg ein av dei store notidsfotografane - Sebastião Salgado. Nokre
    av bileta hans er også "iscenesette", anten direkte, eller indirekte.
    Gjer det bileta mindre truverdige? Er ideen bak dei falsk? Eg trur ikkje

    Salgado viser for tida fram resultatet av 6-7 års arbeid omkring
    flyktningspørsmålet, med ei stor utstilling i Paris, og to bøker: Les
    Enfants de l'Exode og L'Exode. Mange av konklusjonane hans er omstridde,
    men bileta kan vanskeleg diskuterast. Ein går ut av lokalet og kjenner
    seg overtydd og overvelda av alle desse andleta som representerer 85% av
    menneskeslekta. Kritikken av den vestlege verda er tydeleg, og bodskapen
    klinkande klår.

    Sjølvsagt kunne ein eller annan som ikkje var heilt samd i dette
    perspektivet, gi seg til å stille spørsmål ved bileta... alle ansikta
    liknar kvarandre, det er for "vakkert" til å vera sant, osb. Men ville
    det ha endra på kjerna i flyktningspørsmålet og ideen bak arbeidet til
    Salgado? Like lite som denne historia omkring det iscenesette biletet
    frå Trnopolje-leiren har endra på soga om krigen i Bosnia, og ideane til
    dei fotografane som har arbeidd der. Krigen var ikkje mindre grusom om
    eit britisk tv-team laga eit symbolsk bilete.

    Når Phil Hammond seier: "It may not matter in the English libel courts,
    but surely to those of us seeking to understand the Bosnian war and its
    media coverage - indeed, to most reasonable people - this is exactly
    what matters most," er det ikkje "sanninga" han snakkar om, men ideen om

    Når "Emperors-Clothes" no sel ein serbisk propagandafilm, og Bjørkedal
    tar dette for god fisk, osar det så ramt at ein må hoste.

    Les sjølve:

    > A stunning new film -
    > "JUDGMENT!"
    > At last we have visual proof that the
    > media lied about Yugoslavia...
    > To order now, click here
    > We just finished production work on the
    > English version of a stunning new film -
    > "JUDGMENT!" It exposes the tricks used to concoct
    > phony pictures of a nonexistent Serbian 'death camp' in
    > 1992. These doctored images -- especially the famous
    > emaciated man behind barbed wire -- were broadcast
    > worldwide to dehumanize the Serbs. They led to the
    > deaths of thousands and great suffering for millions of
    > human beings.
    > We urge you: Buy this film today Give a copy to a friend
    > who doesn't want to believe the mass media would
    > fabricate phony atrocity pictures. Show this film on TV
    > stations, show it to local organizations, get it reviewed in
    > local papers. It will change people's minds. It will change
    > your mind.
    > Last week the British alternative magazine, LM, was
    > fined over $500,000 US for libel. LM had printed a story
    > that that charged British news station ITN and reporters
    > Penny Marshall and Ian Williams with fraud. LM said
    > ITN had faked the "death camp" pictures to demonize
    > the Serbs.
    > The Judge in the libel case admitted that ITN might have
    > made some mistakes. But he argued: the LM people
    > weren't in Bosnia that day. So how could LM be sure
    > what was really happening there?
    > IN FACT another film crew was present the entire time.
    > They filmed the footage used in "JUDGMENT!"
    > "JUDGMENT!" proves LM was simply telling the truth.
    > "JUDGMENT!" proves Penny Marshall lied.
    > "JUDGMENT!" shows how Marshall produced the
    > picture that fooled the world and justified a war.
    > The ITN crew visited a POW center and a refugee camp.
    > By sheer luck they were accompanied by a crew from
    > Serbian television (RTS). The RTS crew filmed the ITN
    > crew at work. Using this RTS footage, a small Yugoslav
    > film studio has recreated the events of that day.
    > Emperors-Clothes edited the Yugoslav movie to produce
    > the English language film, "JUDGMENT!"
    > RTS is the TV station that NATO bombed in April, 1999,
    > killing 20 people. The film is dedicated to those dead,
    > whose murders began with the ITN pictures. We say this
    > because the images that Penny Marshall fabricated in
    > 1992 began the dehumanization of the Serbian people.
    > ITN and Penny Marshall laid the political basis for the
    > bombing of the Bosnian loyalist government and of
    > Serbia itself a year ago.
    > 1) The Loyalist ("Serbian") Authorities were humane.
    > From the pictures that ITN produced one would think
    > that Marshall and her crew had sneaked into a death
    > camp and shot their film when nobody was watching. Not
    > so. The ITN crew visited two surprisingly casual and
    > humane locations. They were protected but not
    > controlled by the loyalist authorities whom they later
    > compared to Nazi's.
    > 2) Marshall KNEW the loyalists were humane.
    > She and the crew from RTS interviewed POWs', their
    > wives, non-POW refugees, a doctor, at least one red cross
    > worker, the commander of the POW Center. The film
    > shows these interviews. Marshall simply suppressed this
    > evidence of humane treatment. Instead she staged some
    > pictures. These were then doctored to produce Nazi-like
    > images for mass consumption. The height of cynicism
    > and dishonesty.
    > 3) The refugees SAID they were treated decently.
    > Marshall is shown arguing with one refugee. She tries to
    > coerce the man to say something anti-Yugoslav. He
    > refuses. "No, no," he protests vehemently. "Not a prison.
    > No, no. REFUGEE center. They treat us very kind. No,
    > no, very kind." Undeterred, Marshall used this very
    > location to stage her phony death camp shots.
    > 4) Marshall staged the death camp sequence seen around
    > the world.
    > She went out of her way to film from inside an awkward
    > storage area. Why? Because one side had what she
    > wanted: a fence, mainly chicken wire but with a few
    > strands of barbed wire at the top. Shooting through the
    > barbed wire, Marshall talked to refugees OUTSIDE the
    > fence. She then doctored the raw footage to produce false
    > images of prisoners behind barbed wire.
    > 5) Marshall and Ian Williams were filmed in the act of
    > lying.
    > The amazing thing is -- the RTS people were filming a
    > few feet away. They caught the same shots from a slightly
    > different angle. They got pictures of Marshall, Ian
    > Williams, a cameraman, a man holding a mike. You will
    > see, step by step, just how Marshall doctored her pictures
    > to produce the look of a Nazi death camp. That is, the
    > film takes footage shot by RTS and then proceeds to alter
    > it, as you watch, producing the phony ITN photos of
    > Nazi-like atrocities.
    > This film will change people's minds.
    > It documents that Marshall and ITN have committed the
    > worst crime against humanity: they lied to millions of
    > people in order to justify a war.

    Ja, og desse radmagre flyktningane var vel berre litt slanke fordi dei
    ikkje lika menyen, og dei tusentals drepne skaut seg sjølve i skam over
    å ha teke feil av dei humane Loyalist ("Serbian") Authorities...

    Slik er "sanninga" for nokre. Eg seier elles takk, fri og bevare meg -
    eg er ikkje medlem av sekta!

    Oddmund Garvik

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