Make and Run 2D Subset-DIC Input File

It is assumed that you already has made the subset collection for a 2D-DIC analysis (see: Generating Subset Collection for 2D Subset-DIC), and saved the subset collection as a file (*.scol)

In the Main Window right-click on the “DIC”-node in the Workspace Tree and click New Empty Input File.

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the DIC Input File Editor will open:

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For a minimum subset-DIC Input File you need to specify:

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Optionally you may want to:

When you are done, you can press the Save and Close-button.


All results files from a DIC analysis will be saved in the same folder as the corresponding DIC input file! There will be as many results files as there are images defined in the input file. Thus, to have control over different analyses, make a new folder each time you create and save a new input file. Preferable a sub-folder under the folder where the images are located (Example: C:/[Image Folder]/dic1/input.txt)

Also, note that whenever you run an input file, you are overwriting eventual old results from previous runs.

When the DIC Input File Editor has closed, you will see the input file as a node in the Workspace Tree under the “DIC” node:

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To run the Subset-DIC analysis, right-click on the input file in the Workspace Tree and press and press RunSubset Tracking

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A console application ( DICCoreSubset.exe ) will appear and you can study the progress of the analysis in this console window.

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If the console application do not appear, and you get a dialogbox saying “Cannot start process...”, go to menubar: Edit -> Settings, choose the “Analysis” tab. The path labelled “DIC Core Subset” should point to the location of the “DICCoreSubset.exe” file. This is normally located in a folder named “subset_core”. Browse and find this folder. Click “Apply” to close the “Settings Window”. Now you can try running the DIC input file as described above.

Now, if the DIC analysis is running, you can go straight to Study Results for 2D Subset-DIC. It is possible to study the results even if the analysis is running. However, there will be missing results until the analysis is done.


If you want to access the input file or the DIC results after you have closed and restarted eCorr, you can reload the input file from the menu that appears when right-clicking the “DIC” node in Workspace Tree , and choose “Load Input File”. The inputfile is used to access the results from the DIC analysis, as is shown in Study Results for 2D Subset-DIC.