POSTS from 2013

T-EMP report


In december 2013 the report T-EMP: Trondheim Electroacoustic Music Performance - Communication and interplay in an electronically based ensemble was printed. The project contains a description of the methods the collaborators in T-EMP have applied in the artistic research project, as well as artistic output and artistic results. I have contributed with a section on audience reception of the ensemble at one particular occasion. The report can also be found online at

Performance at CYNETART 2013


The interactive dance piece Play of Modes (Tiresias), to which I composed the music, was performed at CYNETART 2013 November 15th in Dresden, with coreographer and dancer Robert Wechsler, dancers Annika Dürr and Thomas Mader, with technical assistance from Marcello Lusanna. A video of the performance can be found here.

Loudspeaker concert at Rockheim


November 13th I arranged a loudspeaker concert at Rockheim presenting acousmatic pieces for diffusion and ambisonics. Natasha Barrett and Anders Vinjar from Electric Audio Unit presented their own ambisonics works along with pieces by Hoffmann and Manocchi. In addition, master students from the Music Technology Program at NTNU diffused their own stereo pieces, using a 22-channel diffusion rig. I was fortunate enough to open the concert with a premiere of my own piece "Play of Modes - Overture", which is a reworked and extended version of the opening of "Play of Modes" performed at re-new. Listen to the piece at soundcloud here.

re-new Digital Arts Festival, Copenhagen


Together with the head of  MotionComposer, coreographer and dancer Robert Wechsler I contributed at the re-new Digital Art Festival in Copenhagen October 28.- November 2. The festival presented a great variety of new media art forms, including interactive installations, robotic instruments, multimedia art works and music, dance and art performances. Our first contribution was a paper presentation, entitled "Movement-Music Relationships and Sound Design in MotionComposer, an Interactive Environment for Persons with (and without) Disabilities" (download paper proceedings here). Our planned interactive dance performance "Play of modes", selected as one of 17 accepted performances of 246 submissions, had to be somewhat modified due to our dancer taking ill, but fortunately the wonderful canadian dancer/coreograph Teoma Naccarato came to our aid, and danced two of her parts, with a brilliant result. Lastly, we did a workshop. There we gave an introduction to video based motion tracking and its use in the Particles environment that I am designing for MotionComposer. The parti cipants had brought their own sounds that we adapted together, so that they finally could play these sounds in the Particles environment.

Article published in Lydskrift

In the 1/2 issue of Lydskrift, a Norwegian web based journal for issued related to comtemporary music and composition, I have written the article "Stemmer i elektroakustisk musikk – opplevelse, beskrivelse og visualisering" (Voices in electroacoustic music - experience, description and visualization). See

Article in Organised Sound

I have got an article published in Organised Sound, vol. 18, issue 2, entitled "The Maximal–Minimal Model: A framework for evaluating and comparing experience of voice in electroacoustic music". It is based on work I did in my PhD. If you have a subscription, you can read it here.

Presentation at EMS2013 with Asbjørn Tiller, NTNU

June 17-21 Electroacoustic Music Studies Network arranges the EMS2013 conference taking place in Lisbon, Portugal. There, I am presenting the paper together with Asbjørn Tiller from the Department of art and media studies at NTNU entitled I am sitting in that room – reverberation, resonance and expanded meanings and Lucier’s I am sitting in a room. Abstract can be found here.


MotionComposer 2. International Workshop 2013

I am back after an intense week in Weimar at the second International Symposium and Workshop with MotionComposer as guest composer. As earlier it was a week packed with intense work and good experiences. The first big challenge was getting all environments to work with the new tracking software developed by Paolo Coletta and Simone Ghisio at InfoMus. They made huge improvements and we were thrilled to see glimpses of what the additional 3d sensor (this time using Kinect) can imply for the tracking. I was also thrilled to meet and get to know the work of other composers, Giacomo Lepri (also InfoMus), Pablo Palacio (Spain) and Marcello Lusanna (Italy/Berlin). As earlier each day included a session with disabled people from Apolda who came in and played our environments. This gave us valuable feedback as to what worked well and not so well in our patches. The workshop ended with a show at the Audiomax Halle in Weimar, where the group from Apolda performed with the environments. This year we also had performances from  Rober Wechsler, the director of MotionComposser, a dancer, Annika Dürr, who performed solo and in a duet with Thomas Mader, playing my Particles environment.


Update (Feb.18th 2013)

Larger parts of this site are now restored, including sound examples for my PhD thesis, Experiencing Voices in Electroacoustic Music.

Update (Jan.4th 2013)

I have started to reconstruct this site after a major crash fall 2012. Hopefully it will be filled with contents again from February 2013. Due to  a forthcoming article in Organised Sound which makes extensive reference to my PhD thesis, i will start with getting the thesis project page up again.

Sorry for all this!
