Flick Flock

Flick Flock


Interactive Artwork, in collaboration with Jordi Puig, exhibited at:
Piksel 2009, Norway,
Campus Party 2010 , Sao Paulo Brazil, and
STRP Biennale 2010, Eindhoven Netherlands.

This installation uses embodied interaction to explore the human perceptual processes in experiencing a world stylized by form, color, and sound. Using various technologies (i.e. stereoscopy, 3D surround, and computer vision), Flick Flock breaks the distance by involving the participant's physical body in the interaction and in the content. The installation involves an ambiguous presentation of the interconnection of collective bodies, individuals and objects above the earth's surface, ever changing the behavior and composition of one tiny space and the universe it holds. Flick Flock experiments on the effective representation of such complex condition to contemplate on the relationship between humans, natural and human-made entities as something essential and influential to human experience.

FlickFlock on Vimeo.

Interacting with Flick Flock

As soon as the body starts to move in the space, changes in the urban place take place. There are different potential changes that may take place (one at a time or simultaneously): (1) User is moving freely (i.e. the position of the hands and head are continuously moving in space wider apart from each other or in a certain direction) triggers the camera movement/panning and the lighting or changes of scene in the virtual environment (2) Within the flickering bubbles displayed in the sky, video captures of previous interactions from different people or the current user him/herself are displayed. These video captures try to play as much similar or opposed movement as possible from the pool of captured video. (3) The panning of the sound is also influenced by the movement of the body (e.g. movement to the left triggers a sound on the left speaker).