Installation of EDBtoolbox: 1. Unzip the two zip-files (Link "Edge diffraction toolbox" and "Some example files"). This should result in two folders: EDBtoolbox and EDBtoolbox_examples. Place them wherever you find practical. 2. Start Matlab and add the path to where you have put the EDBtoolbox (Under File/Set Path) 3. Edit the example file called BENCH_Lsp_Kessel.m (in the folder EDBtoolbox_examples). Change the two file paths to what you want (the two parameters Filepath and CADfile). 4. Run the calculations by giving the following command in Matlab: EDBmainISESx You will be given a file opening window, and you should then browse for your BENCH_Lsp_Kessel.m file. You can also run the calculations by giving the setup file name in parenthesis: EDBmainISESx('/Users/petersve/Documents/Projekt/Dokum_EDdatain/BENCH_Lsp/BENCH_Lsp_Kessel.m') 5. If everything goes well, a number of result files will be placed in the output folder that you specified. You can analyze them by running the m-file called BENCH_Lsp_Kessel_eval.m (after first changing the path to the setup file). 6. For this specific case (taken from a JAES paper by Vanderkooy), you can compare your results with the ones on a web page: