Nima Darabi
Bård Støfringsdal
Tron Tronstad, thesis "Hearing protection goes digital"
Bjørn Kolbrek, thesis "Extensions to the mode matching method for horn loudspeakers"
Adam Borowiak, thesis "Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content"
(2016) Co-supervisor for Claudia Moscoso, thesis "Daylighting and Architectural Quality". Main supervisor Barbara Matusiak, Dept. of architectural design, form and color studies
(2014) Hassan EL-Banna Zidan, thesis "Room and electro-acoustical conditions in video conferencing rooms"
(2011) Haohai Sun, thesis, "Optimal modal signal processing using spherical microphone arrays"
(2009) Erik Hellerud, thesis "Transmission of high quality audio over IP networks"
(2009) Audun Solvang, thesis "Representation of high quality spatial audio"
(2009) Co-supervisor for Paul Calamia, thesis "Advances in edge-diffraction modeling for virtual-acoustic simulation", Princeton University. Main supervisor Tom Funkhouser
(2002) Co-supervisor for Rendell Torres, thesis "Studies of edge diffraction and scattering : applications to room acoustics and auralization", Chalmers University. Main supervisor Mendel Kleiner