Re: Kritisk teknologirealisme - ja takk

From: Trond Andresen (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 21:57:09 MET DST

At 08:55 PM 5/20/00 +0200, Karsten Johansen wrote:

>Sosialdarwinismen og teknologioptimismen er siamesiske tvillinger, det er to
>sider av samme antihumanistiske mønt, hvaenten det er under
>statskapitalistiske eller manchester-liberalistiske former for totalitarisme
>de er den ledende ideologi. Det er ingen tilfeldighet at den kinesiske
>stalinismen går så glimrende i spann med ekstrem manchester-liberalisme.
>Ekstreme former for forakt for det menneskelige er kjerna i begge deler.

Hvis man med "teknologioptimisme" mener det Karsten beskriver her, er jeg
mot den.

Men hvis man med t.-o.mener at menneskene
har en *mulighet* til å bruke teknologien
til beste for seg sjøl og naturen, da er jeg en
teknologioptimist. Men en slik definisjonsstrid er en avsporing.

Faktisk så mener jeg at debatten om hvor stor grad av tro på teknologiens
muligheter, *også* er en avsporing. Problemet ligger et annet sted: Hvordan
oppnå et så godt opplysnings- og kunnskapsnivå i samfunnene at
teknologi/vitenskap blir brukt på en måte som gavner både menneskene og

I stedet for å diskutere teknologien - venn eller fiende, bør man i stedet
fokusere på problemet med hvordan få samfunnene til å fatte kloke valg.
Dette handler om kunnskapsnivå, utdanningssystem og aller mest om hvordan
massemediene fungerer. Jeg tillater meg ubeskjedent å sitere meg sjøl,

>Society as a complex organism with a drug problem - a metaphor
>1) Modern society, as opposed to simple and self-sufficient hunter/gatherer
>or farming communities, is specialized through parts or sub-units
>which interact and are very interdependent. In this sense modern society is
>a complex organism, as opposed to a one-cell "primitive"
>organism. Any complex organism needs a nervous system and a brain for
>2) Media constitute an important part of the modern society organism's
>nervous system and brain.
>3) The first role of media - as nervous system - is to inform the organism
>as a whole what is going on in the different parts of it. This is of
>crucial importance to insure well-being and even survival.
>4) The second role of media is to be part of society's "brain" (other parts
>of the brain are organizations, research, academia, culture) The
>media part of the brain processes information flowing from the nervous
>system by holding debates, digging up facts, confronting the
>responsible persons in power, etc.
>5) The third role is again as nervous system: Sending out signals that
>ensure that the organism takes appropriate action.
>6) It is obvious that false information flowing in, wrong priorities or
>distortion in the processing with ensuing uncorrect signals being sent out
>again, is harmful.
>7) It is maybe not so obvious that "innocent" soap and entertainment may
>also do harm. But in such a situation, neccessary information
>gathering, processing and action are crowded out, do not occur or are
>delayed. Then we have an organism who is "happy" for the moment,
>but whose brain and nervous system are dulled by permanent "intoxication".
>8) If the extent of intoxication is such that problems threatening the
>continued existence of the organism are not solved, even if such
>dangerous problems are recognized in sober moments, we have self-destructive
>dope addiction.
>9) For the societal organism the addiction mechanism is the profit motive
>driving the media industry. And since soap and trivia give the
>largest income with the smallest costs, this will dominate.
>10) A final analogy: A dope addict is masterful at self-deception, telling
>himself and his surroundings that he is more or less OK; this is a
>natural psychic defense mechanism. The media profiteers, and their
>apologists at the editorial level are just as good at deception and
>self-deception, defending the status quo.

Beklager at dette er på engelsk, jeg skal se etter på jobb om jeg ikke har en
norsk versjon avdette, men hadde den ikke for hånden hjemme.

Oppsummering: Fokuser på mediene og utdanningssystemet, ikke på
teknologi som sådan!

Trond Andresen

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