[IMAGEMAP] Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering Science
Department of Marine Technology

Sverre Steen
Professor and Head of Department

o Office : MTS, G 2.164
o Phone (office) : +47 73 59 58 61
o Mobile : +47 93 40 64 29
o E-mail : mailto:sverre.steen@ntnu.no
o Snail-mail : Department of Marine Technology
Otto Nielsens vei 10
N-7491 Trondheim

Fields of interest:

Most of my research efforts are going into the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) "Performance in a Seaway", which was opened 9th of May 2005, and for which I am the director.

I am one of two members of the standing committee of The International Symposiums on Marine Propulsors (smp).

If you are looking for a topic (or a supervisor) for a project and/or Msc thesis, you should see this list of proposed topics

Biographical and professional resume

Lectured Msc-level topics:

TMR7 Experimental methods in marine hydrodynamics
TMR4217 Hydrodynamics of High Speed Marine Vehicles

Lectured PhD-level courses:

MR8308 Advanced experimental methods in marine hydrodynamics