SUBPRO Symposium. Britannia Hotel, Trondheim, 27 Nov. 2023

The symposium is a combined closing event for SUBPRO and opening event for SUBPRO Zero.

Welcome to Trondheim!

Program. Monday 27 November 2023:

09.00  Mingling
09.30  Welcome to the SUBPRO symposium (Sigurd Skogestad)

Presentation of project results:
09.45  Field Architecture (Sigbjørn Sangesland/Milan Stanko)
10.10  System Control (Johannes Jäschke) 
10.35  Coffee Break
10.50  Subsea separation: Droplet Breakage and Coalescence (Hugo Jakobsen)
11.00  Subsea separation: Membranes for gas treatment (Liyuan Deng)
11.10  Subsea separation: Fluid Characterization (Gisle Øye)

11.25   Lunch Break

12.25  Reliability and safety (RAMS) (Mary Ann Lundteigen/Jørn Vatn)
12.45  Partner's experience from SUBPRO (5 min each)
13.20  Summary: 8 years of SUBPRO (Sigurd Skogestad)

13.30  "Technology to provide Norwegian energy to Europe during the energy transition", Gunnar Lille, Director, Norwegian Research Council, OG21 Program
14.10  "The future as seen from NTNU",  Anne Borg, Rector, NTNU
14.30  Coffee Break
15.00  "The future as seen from AkerBP", Thomas Bognø, Vice President for Business Transformation, Aker BP 
15.30  "The future as seen from Equinor", Andreas Jagtøyen, Senior Vice President for Renewables and Low carbon, Technology Digital and Innovation, Equinor
16.00  Official opening of the new SUBPRO Zero project (Johannes Jäschke)
17.00  End of seminar

18.30  Aperitiff (Britannia Hotel) 
19.15  Dinner        
22.00  End

Link to presentations

Some information about SUBPRO:

SUBPRO is a centre for research-based innovation (SFI) funded by the Research Council in Norway (about 31%), NTNU (15%) and industrial partners (54%). The total budget is 256 million NOK for the period 2015-23. The Norwegian oil and gas industry has been in the forefront of developing and implementing subsea technology for many years, and the reason for starting up SUBPRO was to bring the academic community in Norway to a similar top international level in selected areas of subsea technology and use this as a basis for further innovation in the industry. Subsea technology covers many areas, and in SUBPRO we focus on five main areas:
• Field architecture
• Reliability, availability maintenance and safety
• Fluid characterization and fl ow assurance
• Separation process concepts
• Systems control
SUBPRO is the most comprehensive academic research programme in Norway within oil and gas (in addition to our sister program BRU21) and it is also the largest academic subsea R&D centre in the world. SUBPRO has over the last 8 years procuced a large number of research results and publications and most importantly, SUBPRO has educated 35 PhD candidates, 11 postdocs, 10 one-year researchers and over 100 Master students. Most of them have found jobs in the Norwegian oil and gas sector. As an SFI (Center for research-based innovations), the center is a bit unusual in that all the research is performed at single university, namely NTNU. This includes 4 Departments and 3 Faculties at NTNU:
• Department of Chemical Engineering (NV Faculty; host for SFI)
• Department of Geoscience and Petroleum. (IV Faculty)
• Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (IV Faculty)
• Department of Engineering Cybernetics (IE Faculty)
The present industrial partners include 4 oil/energy companies (operators) and 3 supplier companies
• Equinor
• TotalEnergies (from 2019)
• AkerBP (including Lundin)
• Neptune Energy (including Engie)
• Kongsberg Digital
• Aker Solutions
+ Norwegian Research Council
In addition, Shell and ABB were partners when SUBPRO started in 2015, but have later left.

The oil and gas sector now faces large challenges to become carbon neutral. This is the reason for starting the new SUBPRO Zero project (2023-2026) which is 100% financed by industry and NTNU. All the present partners (except DNV) have decided to continue in SUBPRO Zero, and in addition Vår Energi has joined. Petrobras from Brazil is in the process of joining. This clearly demonstrates that the companies are very happy with the results produced in SUBPRO.

Registration for the SUBPRO symposium:

The symposium is open for everyone. 
We especially invite people who have been involved in SUBPRO over the last 10 years to join.

Registration fee (including MVA):
Before 05 Nov. 2023: NOK 300 (including dinner and lunch)
Before 20 Nov. 2023: NOK 600 (including dinner and lunch)
Later registration: NOK 2200 (if space; including dinner and lunch)

To registrer and pay go to NTNU billett .

Hotel information:

SUBPRO has special room rates for the nights 26-28 November at Britannia Hotel:
Superior single:      NOK 2250 for one night (including breakfast and spa/fitness) 
Superior double room: NOK 2650 for one night (including breakfast and spa/fitness) 
Send mail to or call +47 738 00 800
Booking code:	NTNU SubPro - 330900
Deadline for special rate: 26. Oct. 2023
Reservation must be guaranteed with a credit card and can be cancelled with no cost before 18:00 the day before arrival.

Further questions:

Please contact Pål Aune [, +47 926 60 270] or Esma Benzaim. [, +47 936 58 805].

Welcome to the SUBPRO symposium!