EU Joule project: Complex distillation columns (DISC)

First Progress Meeting, Trondheim

Monday 02 December
     9:00 Welcome and opening (SS)
     9:10 Opening by the Coordinator (JK)

Presentation of technical results
     9:20 UMIST presentation (45 min) 
    10:05 Coffee break
    10:30 NTNU presentation (30 min)
    11:00 Ulg presentation (30 min)
    11:30 PARAGON presentation(30 min)

    12:00 Lunch (13.etg.)

   13-13:30: Tour of facilities (multivessel batch column) 

   13.30 UPC Presentation (30 min)
   14:00 INFOSERVICIOS Presentation (30 min)
   14:30 Coffee break
   15:00 MW Kellogg presentation (30 min)
   15:30 ASTON presentation (30 min)
   16:00 Overall technical discussion

  Evening (19.30): Dinner at "Kontoret"

Tuesday 03 December

   09:00 Technical part continues - additional NTNU presentations
       1. Atle C. Christiansen on extended Petlyuk columns
       2. Ivar Halvorsen on dynamics/control of Petlyuk columns (also say a
              little about software for dynamic simulation)
       3. Ivar Halvorsen on on-line optimization of Petlyuk columns
       4. Atle Christiansen: On software/numerical issues for static simulation.

   10:45 Coffee break
   11:00 Management and further co-ordination of the project (1.5 h)
  12:30 Lunch at Kromaten (end of meeting)