Ph.D. thesises (postscript)

The thesises listed below have been collected by S. Skogestad and are available in postscript format for downloading.
Ph.D. thesises (postscript or pdf)
  • Process controllability analysis using liner and nonlinear optimisation" (Ph.D. thesis)
    Samara D. Chenery, Ph.D. thesis Jan. 1998 (submitted Oct. 1997), Imperial College, London, UK (Supervisor: S. Walsh)
  • Optimal operation of integrated processes. Studies on Heat recovery systems. (DR.ING. THESIS) , Chapters: [00], [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [Zip-file]
    Bjørn Glemmestad, Ph.D. Thesis, Telemark, Submitted Oct. 1997 (Supervisor: T. Gundersen, Co-supervisor: S. Skogestad)

  • Some other Ph.D. thesises supervised by S. Skogestad are found here.