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Model Advisor
1 By Product
1.1 Simulink
1.2 Simscape
1.3 Simulink Control Design
2 By Task
2.1 Data Transfer Efficiency
2.2 Frequency Response Estimation
2.3 Managing Data Store Memory Blocks
2.4 Managing Library Links And Variants
2.5 Migrating to Simplified Initialization mode
2.6 Model Referencing
2.7 Modeling Physical Systems
2.8 Modeling Signals and Parameters using Buses
2.9 Modeling Single-Precision Systems
2.10 S-function Checks
2.11 Simulation Accuracy
2.12 Simulation Runtime Accuracy Diagnostics
2.13 Simulink Model File Integrity
2.14 Units Inconsistencies
2.15 Upgrading to the Current Simulink Version


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Model Advisor Report - simTransformedMVs.slx
Simulink version: 9.1 Model version: 1.50
System: simTransformedMVs/PID Controller Current run: 22-May-2019 13:36:30

Run Summary
Pass Fail Warning Not Run Total
   15    0    3    64 82

Model Advisor

    1 By Product  0  0  0  45

        1.1 Simulink  0  0  0  41

        1.2 Simscape  0  0  0  3

  Check consistency of block parameter units

Not Run

  Check for outdated Simscape blocks

Not Run

  Check for dry hydraulic nodes

Not Run

        1.3 Simulink Control Design  0  0  0  1

    2 By Task  15  0  3  19

        2.1 Data Transfer Efficiency  0  0  0  1

  Check Delay, Unit Delay and Zero-Order Hold blocks for rate transition

Not Run

        2.2 Frequency Response Estimation  0  0  0  1

  Identify time-varying source blocks interfering with frequency response estimation

Not Run

        2.3 Managing Data Store Memory Blocks  0  0  1  2

  Check Data Store Memory blocks for multitasking, strong typing, and shadowing issues

Duplicate data store names checking is not set to 'error'. Duplicate usage of data store names can lead to unintended shadowing of data stores of higher model scope. Consider changing the Duplicate data store names setting to 'error'.

  Check data store block sample times for modeling errors

Not Run

  Check for potential ordering issues involving data store access

Not Run

        2.4 Managing Library Links And Variants  5  0  0  0

        2.5 Migrating to Simplified Initialization mode  0  0  0  4

  Check usage of Merge blocks

Not Run

  Check usage of Outport blocks

Not Run

  Check usage of Discrete-Time Integrator blocks

Not Run

  Check model settings for migration to simplified initialization mode

Not Run

        2.6 Model Referencing  3  0  1  2

  Check diagnostic settings ignored during accelerated model reference simulation

The configuration parameter settings passed the check.

  Check for parameter tunability information ignored for referenced models


  Check for implicit signal resolution


  Check bus signals treated as vectors

Not Run

  Check root model Inport block specifications

This check is only supported at the model level. To run this analysis, please open the model advisor from the top level of the model instead of the subsystem level and start the analysis.

  Check for large number of function arguments from virtual bus across model reference boundary

Not Run

        2.7 Modeling Physical Systems  1  0  0  1

  Check consistency of block parameter units

Identify Simscape blocks with ambiguous setting of parameter units. For example, a block parameter expected in 'Hz' may be specified in the dialog with unit of 'rad/s'. Such settings could lead to unexpected conversion factors applied to the numerical value.

No Simscape blocks with ambiguous unit setting found in the model.

  Check for dry hydraulic nodes

Not Run

        2.8 Modeling Signals and Parameters using Buses  1  0  0  2

  Check for optimal bus virtuality


  Check structure parameter usage with bus signals

Not Run

  Check bus signals treated as vectors

Not Run

        2.9 Modeling Single-Precision Systems  0  0  0  1

  Identify questionable operations for strict single-precision design

Not Run

        2.10 S-function Checks  1  0  0  0

  Check S-functions in the model

There are no user-defined S-functions in the model.

        2.11 Simulation Accuracy  0  0  0  1

  Check for non-continuous signals driving derivative ports

Not Run

        2.12 Simulation Runtime Accuracy Diagnostics  2  0  0  0

  Runtime diagnostics for S-functions


  Check if Read/Write diagnostics are enabled for Data Store blocks


        2.13 Simulink Model File Integrity  2  0  0  0

  Check model for foreign characters

Check that the characters in the model can be represented in the current encoding.

All the characters in the model can be represented in the current encoding.

  Check Model History properties

Check models for edited Model History property values
Check that parameters in the Model Properties dialog History pane use the default tags. In the MDL file format you can configure some model properties to make use of source control tool keyword substitution. If you save your model in SLX format, source control tools cannot perform keyword substitution. Any information in the model file from such keyword substitution is cached when you first save the MDL file as SLX, and is never updated again. The Model Properties History pane and any Model Info blocks in your model show stale information from then on.

This model uses the default value for property ModifiedByFormat.

This model uses the default value for property ModifiedDateFormat.

This model uses the default value for property ModelVersionFormat.

        2.14 Units Inconsistencies  0  0  0  4

  Identify unit mismatches in the model

Not Run

  Identify automatic unit conversions in the model

Not Run

  Identify disallowed unit systems in the model

Not Run

  Identify undefined units in the model

Not Run

        2.15 Upgrading to the Current Simulink Version  0  0  1  0

  Open the Upgrade Advisor

To check for upgrade issues, open the Upgrade Advisor.

Recommended Action
Click the link below to close the Model Advisor and open the Upgrade Advisor for simTransformedMVs.
Open the Upgrade Advisor