Model Advisor Customization


Title  Check rapid accelerator signal logging
Title  Identify Variant Model blocks and convert those to Variant Subsystem containing Model block choices
Title  Check get_param calls for block CompiledSampleTime
Title  Identify unconnected lines, input ports, and output ports
Title  Check root model Inport block specifications
Title  Check diagnostic settings ignored during accelerated model reference simulation
Title  Check for parameter tunability information ignored for referenced models
Title  Check for implicit signal resolution
Title  Check for optimal bus virtuality
Title  Check for calls to slDataTypeAndScale()
Title  Check for Discrete-Time Integrator blocks with initial condition uncertainty
Title  Identify disabled library links
Title  Identify parameterized library links
Title  Identify unresolved library links
Title  Identify variant blocks that override variant choice
Title  Identify configurable subsystem blocks for converting to variant subsystem blocks
Title  Check usage of function-call connections
Title  Check and update masked blocks in library to use promoted parameters
Title  Check and update mask image display commands with unnecessary imread() function calls
Title  Check and update mask to affirm icon drawing commands dependency on mask workspace
Title  Identify similar library clones and replace them with links to library blocks
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.CloneDetection.IdentifyStructLibraryClones
Title  Identify similar graphical clones and replace them with links to library blocks
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.CloneDetection.IdentifyStructGraphicalClones
Title  Identify system constants for use in variant transformation
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.MdlTransformer.IdentifyVariantConstant
Title  Identify blocks that qualify for variant transformation
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.MdlTransformer.IdentifyVariantCandidate
Title  Convert blocks to variants
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.MdlTransformer.VariantTransform
Title  Step1. Select data store blocks you want to eliminate
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.MdlTransformer.DSMElim
Title  Create baseline to measure the performance. The baseline contains the time to run the simulation and the simulation results (signals logged). To create a baseline, configure the model to log states in the workspace and save the signals in 'Structure with time' format.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CreateBaseline
Title  Some diagnostics, such as 'Solver data inconsistency', incur run-time overhead during simulation. To improve simulation speed, disable these diagnostics if they are not necessary.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.IdentifyExpensiveDiagnostics
Title  Some optimizations, such as 'Block reduction', may be disabled. To improve simulation speed, enable these optimization settings.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.IdentifyApplicableOptimizations
Title  Improperly configured lookup table blocks can affect the simulation speed of a model.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.InefficientLookupTableBlocks
Title  Analyze MATLAB System block for code generation capability.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.DetectIntSysObjBlocks
Title  Avoid using Interpreted MATLAB Function blocks.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.DetectIntMATLABFcnBlocks
Title  Disabling simulation target settings, such as 'Echo expressions without semicolons', can improve simulation speed.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckSimTargetEchoStatus
Title  Check if model reference rebuild setting is set to the proper value
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckModelRefRebuildSetting
Title  Opened and uncommented Scopes can impact simulation performance. This check identifies Scope block, Floating Scope block, and Scope Viewer. Scope Viewer does not support commenting out.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.IdentifyScopes
Title  Identify active instrumentation settings on the model. This setting can cause slow simulations due to range collection.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.IdentifyActiveMMO
Title  Check S-functions in the model
Title  Check model and local libraries for SB2SL blocks
TitleID  mathworks.simulink.SB2SL.Check
Title  Check Simscape Solver Configuration block settings
TitleID  com.mathworks.simscape.performanceadvisor.checkSimscapeSolverBlock
Title  Check Fluid dynamic compressibility option
TitleID  com.mathworks.simscape.performanceadvisor.checkFluidDynamicCompressibility
Title  Check consistency of block parameter units
TitleID  mathworks.simscape.checkParameterUnits
Title  Check for outdated Simscape blocks
TitleID  mathworks.simscape.checkOutdatedBlocks
Title  Check Zero sequence
TitleID  com.mathworks.simscape.performanceadvisor.checkZeroSequenceInductance
Title  Check Parasitic ground conductance
TitleID  com.mathworks.simscape.performanceadvisor.checkNeutralParasitic
Title  Runtime diagnostics for S-functions
Title  Check if Read/Write diagnostics are enabled for Data Store blocks
Title  Check Data Store Memory blocks for multitasking, strong typing, and shadowing issues
Title  Check that the model is saved in SLX format
Title  Check model for foreign characters
Title  Check Model History properties
Title  Identify masked blocks that specify tabs in mask dialog using MaskTabNames parameter
Title  Check conversion input parameters
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.ModelReferenceAdvisor.InputParameters
Title  Check model configurations
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.ModelReferenceAdvisor.ModelConfigurations
Title  Check subsystem interface
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.ModelReferenceAdvisor.SubsystemInterface
Title  Check subsystem content
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.ModelReferenceAdvisor.SubsystemContent
Title  Complete conversion
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.ModelReferenceAdvisor.CompleteConversion
Title  Identify Model Info blocks that can interact with external source control tools
Title  Open the Upgrade Advisor
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.UpgradeAdvisor.MAEntryPoint
Title  Upgrade models in a hierarchy
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.UpgradeAdvisor.UpgradeModelHierarchy
Title  Check model for block upgrade issues
Title  Check for virtual bus across model reference boundaries
Title  Check model for parameter initialization and tuning issues
Title  Check structure parameter usage with bus signals
Title  Check for large number of function arguments from virtual bus across model reference boundary
Title  Identify similar functional clones and replace them with links to library blocks
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.CloneDetection.IdentifyStructFunctionalClones
Title  Check if model with referenced models can be built in parallel with optimal settings.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckModelRefParallelBuild
Title  Use circular buffer to improve simulation speed for Delay blocks with large states.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckDelayBlockCircularBufferSetting
Title  Simulation might slow down if all these conditions exist: (1) the model is using a variable step solver, (2) the model contains both continuous and discrete rates, and (3) the fastest discrete rate that does not impact continuous integration is relatively smaller than 'Max step size' determined by the solver. Setting 'DecoupledContinuousIntegration' parameter to 'on' might speed up simulation.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckIfNeedDecoupleContDiscRates
Title  Simulation might slow down if all these conditions exist: (1) the model is using a variable step solver, (2) the model contains blocks having zero-crossings and continuous states, and (3) some zero-crossings are not impacting continuous integration. Setting 'MinimalZcImpactIntegration' parameter to 'on' might speed up simulation.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckIfNeedOptimalSolverResetCausedByZc
Title  Check discrete signals driving derivative port
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckDiscDriveContSignal
Title  The selection of an explicit or implicit solver depends on the approximation of the model stiffness at the beginning of the simulation. If the model represents a stiff system, use the ode15s solver. Otherwise, use the ode45 solver.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.SolverTypeSelection
Title  Adjust Co-Simulation settings for better performance and accuracy.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckMultiThreadCoSimSetting
Title  Identify co-simulation signals that may need explicit numerical compensation.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckNumericCompensationCoSimSetting
Title  Changing simulation mode can improve simulation speed.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckSimulationModesComparison
Title  Running with compiler optimizations turned on can improve simulation speed.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.CheckSimulationCompilerOptimization
Title  Validate the overall performance improvement in your model using this check. If performance is worse than baseline, Performance Advisor discards all changes and loads the original model.
TitleID  com.mathworks.Simulink.PerformanceAdvisor.FinalValidation
Title  Check Delay, Unit Delay and Zero-Order Hold blocks for rate transition
Title  Check bus signals treated as vectors
Title  Check for potentially delayed function-call block return values
Title  Identify block output signals with continuous sample time and non-floating point data type
Title  Check usage of Merge blocks
Title  Check usage of Outport blocks
Title  Check usage of Discrete-Time Integrator blocks
Title  Check model settings for migration to simplified initialization mode
Title  Check model for custom library blocks that rely on frame status of the signal
Title  Check model for S-function upgrade issues
Title  Check for dry hydraulic nodes
TitleID  mathworks.simscape.checkDryHydraulicNodes
Title  Check for non-continuous signals driving derivative ports
Title  Check data store block sample times for modeling errors
Title  Check for potential ordering issues involving data store access
Title  Check virtual bus inputs to blocks
Title  Check for root outports with constant sample time
Title  Identify unit mismatches in the model
Title  Identify automatic unit conversions in the model
Title  Identify disallowed unit systems in the model
Title  Identify undefined units in the model
Title  Check model for block upgrade issues requiring compile time information
Title  Identify time-varying source blocks interfering with frequency response estimation
TitleID  mathworks.slcontrolfrest.timevaryingsources
Title  Identify questionable operations for strict single-precision design
Task Name  Modeling Physical Systems
Task Name  Modeling Signals and Parameters using Buses
Task Name  Modeling Single-Precision Systems
Task Name  Migrating to Simplified Initialization mode
Task Name  Model Referencing
Task Name  Managing Library Links And Variants
Task Name  Data Transfer Efficiency
Task Name  S-function Checks
Task Name  Simulation Accuracy
Task Name  Simulation Runtime Accuracy Diagnostics
Task Name  Managing Data Store Memory Blocks
Task Name  Simulink Model File Integrity
Task Name  Units Inconsistencies
Task Name  Upgrading to the Current Simulink Version
Task Name  Frequency Response Estimation