Mixing of MeOH and air to produce a mixture 10%mol MeOH 1st priority CV: keep x_MeOH at sp (8-10%mol, preferably 10%) 2nd priority CV: keep production rate at sp MeOH is fed using a valve. The valve is composed by: - actuator: 2nd order ODE - valve: valve equation Air is fed using a compressor, composed by: - actuator: 2nd order ODE, same model as valve, different parameters - compressor map Mixer: - total flow is instant, perfect Things that someone else can improve or do: - decouple, for the "standard" operation. - implement a motor a actuator for the compressor. - calculate air density as function of pressure and temperature (for compressor calculations). - use pressures (and maybe temperature) as disturbances. - improve the model for the mixer by adding some level (or pressure) controller (something that controls the hold-up). Then, there would be some dynamics of the outlet. - improve the model of the mixer to actually represent a vaporizer; account for phase change of MeOH. This will change the dynamics of the "mixer".