Opt_multicomp_dyn.m: The main file where you define disturbance values and carry out optimization Twocol_dyn_obj.m: Calculates objective function J for a given value of u, where u here consists of setpoints for four compositions (see the comments in the matlab files). Twocol_dyn_constr.m: Calculates the values of the constraint functions (the relevant ones being the purity constraints on the three product streams, and the two maximum boilup constraints). Twocol_dyn.m: Dynamic model of two columns in sequence. The two previous files work by running this model until steady state is reached. multicomA.m: Sorts inputs and returns derivatives (xprime) and some other useful variables model.m: Contains the model equations (mass balances and equilibrium relations for a column) parameters.m: Contains column and controller parameters (number of stages, flow relation constants, controller gains and integral times) x_steady.mat: A mat file containing the initial point used for the dynamic simulation.