From: >To: >CC: >Subject: AIChE Journal Manuscript Submission >Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 14:39:07 -0400 > >Dear PhD Skouras, > >You have successfully submitted your manuscript > >"HETEROAZEOTROPIC BATCH DISTILLATION >Process analysis and simulation results" > >via the Rapid Review system. Your Manuscript Number is: 08741 Version 1. > >Take note of this number for future reference. You can log on to the Rapid Review system at any time to see the current status of your manuscript(s). Also, please update or change any contact information we have on you. The web address is and your username is skouras. > >If your manuscript was loaded into the Rapid Review system by the AIChE Journal staff, please check the information and make sure it is correct. Also, please remember to send us a signed copyright form. > >Thank you for your submission. > >Lorraine E. Holton, Editorial Assistant > >*************************************** >AIChE Journal >Department of Chemical Engineering >233 Colburn Laboratory >University of Delaware >Newark, Delaware 19716 U.S.A. >Phone: 302-831-6858 >Fax: 302-831-3226 >