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[414b] - Controllability of processes with large gains and valve stiction

Presented at: [414] - Poster Session: Systems and Process Control
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Author Information:

Sigurd Skogestad (speaker)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Sem Sealands vei 4
Trondheim, N7491
Phone: +4773594154
A R B de Araujo
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Chemical Engineering
Sem Sealands vei 4
Trondheim, N7491
Phone: +4774594030


Controllability of processes with large gains and valve stiction

S. Skogestad and A.C.B. de Araujo
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

In a recent publication McAvoy and Braatz (2003) state that for control purposes the magnitude of steady-state process gain (maximum singular value) should not exceed about 50. Otherwise, they claim, the process will be prone exhibit transient oscillations because of valve resolution problems, e.g. caused by valve stiction or hysteresis (a nonlinear issue). If these claims are correct, then this has important implications for the design of many processes, so the objective of this work was to study this in more detail.

Intuitively, the claims seem to be incorrect. Consider, for example, a holdup tank where we need to control the liquid level. This is an integrating process, so the steady-state gain is infinite, and the process should be very difficult to control according McAvoy and Braatz (2003). However, in practice control of liquid level is known to be quite straightforward, and a simple proportional feedback controller usually suffices.

We find that the claims by McAvoy and Braatz (2003) about the magnitude of the steady-state gain hold if we restrict ourselves to feedforward control. This is because feedforward control is sensitive to unmeasured disturbances and uncertainty at steady state. A valve resolution problem may be viewed as an input disturbance. For example, let v denote the valve resolution (e.g. v=0.01 or 1 % of the input range) and G the steady state gain (e.g. G=50). Then the output error with feedforward control is e = G v. (e.g. e = 0.5 with the numbers given). If we want e to remain well below 1 (say 0.5) and we assume that a typical valve resolution error is 1 %, then this simple analysis supports the above claim that the steady-state gain should be less than about 50 when the inputs and outputs are scaled to be of the order 1. However, this analysis only holds for feedforward control.

McAvoy and Braatz present simulation examples for feedback control, but a closer analysis of these reveals several misinterpretations. First, they confuse the issue by considering a 2x2 example, whereas a SISO example would be sufficient to illustrate the points. Also, the 2x2 example they study is very interactive with an off-diagonal element 10 times larger then the diagonal elements, and this kind of plant gives strong interactions and control problems irrespective of valve stiction. Furthermore, in one case (Figure 3) the simulation time is too short such that they incorrectly conclude that the sensitivity to uncertainty decreases when we decrease the feedback controller gain. Actually, it can be shown that with integral action the controller gain should have no effect on the magnitude of the oscillations. This is because around the steady-state the system will be oscillating in a manner corresponding to an on/off-valve with zero deadband.

With feedback control we can easily control systems even with an on/off valve, which has a valve resolution error of 100% (v=1) provided the process provides some natural damping at the closed-loop bandwidth of the system. For example, consider a thermostat used for heating your home or car. The main issue here is that the delay in the loop is sufficiently small, so that switching is fast. Then we can even have infinite gain, e.g. consider an on/off-valve used for level control. Oscillations are unavoidable if we have limited valve resolution, because the steady-state can only be achieved by cycling the input between two (or more) finite input values, like with an on/off-valve.

Based on a more detailed controllability analysis, based on simple nonlinear describing function theory similar to that used for the relay tuning method), we conclude that large process gains may indeed pose a fundamental problem in terms of control, but only if the gain is large at the frequency w180 corresponding to the natural oscillations of the system. More precisely, for an appropriately scaled model we must approximately require that

| G(jw180) | * v < 1

where G is the process, w180 is the frequency where the phase lag of the system (process + controller) is 180 degrees, and v is the relative valve resolution (e.g. v=1 for an on/off-valve). Note that the time scale of the oscillations (duration of the pulse time) depends on the loop dynamics (w180), whereas the magnitude depends on both w180 and the valve accuracy.

Thus, large steady-state gains are by themselves not a problem. The analysis is backed up by some simple case studies which indeed show that systems with a large high-frequency gain may be sensitive to limited valve resolution. The magnitude of the resulting oscillations may be reduced by (1) improving the accuracy of the valve, or (2) increasing w180 by reducing the effective delay around the loop. Note that the latter also reduces the pulse time, but if the resulting pulse time is till too large, then another possibility is to (3) introduce pulse modulation. Here the pulse time is set to a desired value (limited by the dynamics of the valve only and not of the whole control loop), and the controller adjusts the relative time the controller spends in the various positions. This approach is mainly used if we have an on/off valve.

T.A. McAvoy and R.D. Braatz, 2003, “Controllability of processes with large singular values”, Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., 42, 6155-6165.

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