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[287d] - Stabilization of Desired Flow Regimes in Pipelines

Presented at: [287] - Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
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 Author Information:

Sigurd Skogestad
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Chemical Engineering
Trondheim, B7491
Phone: +47 7359 4154
Fax: +47 7359 4080
Espen Storkaas (speaker)
Chemiczl Engineering
Trondheim, N7491
Phone: +47 7359 4154
Vidar Alstad
Chemical Engineering
Trondheim, N7491
Phone: +47 7359 4030
Mari Undeli
Chemical Engineering
Trondheim, N7491
Phone: +47 7359 4030
Kjetil Havre
Gasevikvn. 2
Kjeller, N2027
Phone: +47 64 84 44 00


Stabilization of desired flow regimes in pipelines
Sigurd Skogestad, Espen Storkaas, Vidar Alstad, Mari Undeli
Department of Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
N7491 Trondheim, Norway

Kjetil Havre
Scandpower, Norway

Stabilization of desired fluid flow regimes offers challenges of immense potential value. The opportunities for control engineers in this field are very large, because most fluid flow experts tend to be "feedforward thinkers" with only limited insight into the potential benefits of feedback control. They tend to believe that the stability regions of a given steady-state flow pattern is fixed by nature. However, these are open-loop stability regions, and with feedback control one may change these boundaries.

The most well-known example is probably the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in single phase pipelines which is known to occur at a Re-number of about 2300. However, it is well known that by carefully increasing the flow rate one may achieve laminar flow at much larger Re-numbers, but that in this case a small knock at the pipeline will immediately change the flow to turbulent. Some attempts have been made in applying control to this problem (e.g. see Bewley, 2001 for a survey), but the short time and length scales make practical applications difficult.

Another unstable flow phenomenona occurs in multi-phase pipelines, where pressure-flow fluctuations known as slug-flow can be induced both by velocity difference between the gas and liquid phase (hydrodynamic slugging) and by the pipe geometry (severe slugging, terrain slugging, riser induced slugging). The latter severe slugging phenomen occurs at a time and length scale that males control a viable option. In addition, as a result of advances in the petroleum industry, multi-phase pipelines are becoming both longer and more common. In many cases severe slugging induced by the terrain on the seabed or by the vertical distance to the platform is a major problem for production, as it leads to large load disturbances for the inlet separator causing compressor trip or flooding of the separator. Slugging can also complicate future transport of petroleum straight to shore, which would eliminate the need for expensive processing platforms.

Elimination of slugging by changing the design or the operating point (e.g. increasing the pressure, Taitel, 1986) has been suggsted by many authors, e.g. see Sarica and Tengesdal (2000) for an overview. The objective here is get to an operating point where the desired flow regime is (open-loop) stable.

The objective of this paper is to study the use of feedback control in order to operate in an operating point where the desired flow-regime is (open-loop) unstable. The use of feedback control to avoid severe slugging was proposed and applied on a test rig by Hedne and Linga (1990). Later independent studies, including simulations and actual implementations, are reported by Henriot et al (1999) and Havre et al. (2000). The two-phase simulations were performed using the industrial simulators TACITE and OLGA, respectively, but these were essentially used as "black box" simulators to test the proposed control strategies.

The objective of our work is to provide a theoretical basis and understanding into how feedback control may be used to avoid severe slugging. We use a simplified model based on the "two-fluid" approach and from this investigate the existence of multiple steady-state solutions, the stability properties and input-output controllability. The model shows that, for a given total flow rate, multiple steady-state solutions exist. One is the desired (but unstable) stratified flow. The other is the undesired (but stable) slug flow limit cycle.

The task of eliminating severe slugging in pipelines consists of two sub-problems:

1) Break the limit cycle and bring the process to its desired flow regime. A model of the slugging phenomena is obviously useful here. The problem may be solved by either

(a) Directly applying feedback control. Some nonlinear strategy is most likely needed, which, for example, could involve choosing where in the cycle to activate the controller.

(b) Change the operating point to conditions where the desired flow regime is open-loop stable, for example by increasing the pressure (Taitel, 1986). In case (b) one must afterwards apply feedback control to move to the desired conditions (e.g. lower the pressure), and simple linear control may possibly be used for this.

2) Keep the process at it desired unstable operating point (flow regime). Feedback control is the only possible option here since feedforward control can not be used for stabilization. Linear control theory is sufficient for this task.

In this paper the focus is on this second sub-problem. A model of the desired stratified flow regime is used to study the best way of stabilizing the process, including measurement selection and the required speed of response (bandwith).

The full paper can be downloaded from:


Bewley, T.R.: "Flow Control: new challenges for a new Renaissance", Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 37 (2000) p.21-58

Hedne, P and Linga, H.: "Suppression of Terrain Slugging whith automatic and manual Riser choking" Advances in Gas-Liquid Flows, 1990, p.453-460

Henriot,V., Courbot,A., Heintzé, E. and Moyeux, L.: "Simulation of Process to Control Severe Slugging: Application to the Dunbar Pipeline" paper SPE56461 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and exibition held in Huston, Texas 3-6 October 1999

Havre, K., Stornes, K.O. and Stray, H.: "Taming slug flow in pipelines" ABB Review 4/2000, p.55-63.

Sarica, C. and Tengesdal, J.Ř., "A new technique to eliminate severe slugging in pipeline/riser systems", Paper SPE63185 presented at 2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1-4 Oct. 2000

Taitel, Y. "Stability of severe slugging", Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 1986, Vol. 12, No. 2,pp. 203-217

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