Gjesteforelesning Fonyo 23.mars og disputaser

From: Sigurd Skogestad <skoge@chemeng.ntnu.no>
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 16:15:59 CET


Velkommen til gjesteforelesning.

Tirsdag 23. mars (NB: om en måned) i lunsjrom 2.etg. kjemiblokk 5.:
        Professor Zsolt Fonyo fra universitetet i Budapest, Optimal design of integrated separation systems,
        Profesor Fonyo has more than 30 years experience in the area of exergy analysis of distillation, and has also worked extensively on mixed-integer nonlinear programming. (MINLP).

Fonyo er opponent for disputasen til Hilde Engelien. Det blir også disputas for Stathis Skouras 7. mai (der Eva Sørensen er opponent).

22 Mar 2004 Disputas Hilde Engelien. Thesis: Process Integration Applied to the Design and Operation of Distillation Columns.
23 Mar2004 Seminar (0900-1000): Optimal design of integrated separation systems, Professor Zsolt Fonyo, Budapest
07 May 2004 Disputas Stathis Skouras. Thesis: Operation and feasibility of batch hetaro-azeotropic distillation.

For mer informasjon: se


-Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad

Received on Thu Feb 19 16:16:35 2004

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