Guest lecture by Y. Zhu on MPC identification (Thu 05 June, 1415-1515, B343)

From: Sigurd Skogestad (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 13:58:07 CEST


Det blir gjesteforelesning om modell-identifikasjon anvendt mot MPC.
Foredragsholder er  Yucai Zhu som jeg vil anta at en del kjenner fra firmaet Tai-Ji control.
Han har også en stilling ved Eindhoven universitet.
Han har tidligere jobbet med bl.a. BP, Dow, Exxon, Shell og Statoil, og er denne gang i Trondheim i forbindelse
med et besøk hos Cybernetica..

Tid: Tors.5.6 kl.14.15 (varighet ca. 1time)
Sted: Elektroblokk B, Rom B-343

Yucai Zhu

In industrial model predictive control (MPC), there is a demand for more efficient model identification methods. In this work we will review some recent developments in industrial MPC identification. The discussion will be around four fundamental issues of industrial identification: 1) test method, 2) parameter estimation, 3) order selection and 4) model validation/selection. Three industrial products will be discussed: 1) RMPCT identification package of Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions, 2) DMCPlusä identification package DMCplus Model of Aspen Technology, and 3) Tai-Ji ID, the identification package of Tai-Ji Control. To show the benefits of modern approaches, two applications of Tai-Ji ID will be presented: an open loop identification of a crude unit and a closed-loop identification of a deethanizer.

For some related papers see:

PROST - Styrkeområde i Prosess-systemteknikk ved NTNU/SINTEF
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