Report from CAPE Forum i Toulouse 21-22 Feb. 2003

From: Sigurd Skogestad (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 13:37:57 CET

CAPE Forum Meeting.
Toulouse, France 21-22 Feb. 2003

Report from: Stathis Skouras (Ph.D. student, Dept. of Chem.Eng., NTNU)
Also prosebt from Norway:

The meeting was organised by the Process System Engineering Department, which is part of the Laboratoire de Génie Chimique,
a joined research group on chemical engineering of the INPT-ENSIACET and the Paul Sabatier University.

The meeting was relatively small with around 40 participants. However, the friendly atmosphere and the small room encouraged
people to express freely their remarks and stimulated long discussions after the presentations that in most cases went up to 10-15'.
The topics covered can be classified under three categories.
Friday 21st: Thermodynamic properties
Saturday 22nd: Batch and hybrid processes, and miscellanneous
From PROST there was one contribution from Stathis Skouras who presented a part of his PhD work on "Heteroazeotropic Distillation in a Multivessel Batch Column".
From Norway and Trondheim there was one more contribution by Peter Singstad from Cybernetica AS who presented their work on "Industrial apllications of MPC of batch processes using mechanistic models".
All the papers and more info about the meeting can be found on the following address.
It was arranged that most of the presentations should be available on the above site but until now this has not hapenned.
It was finally arranged that next CAPE Forum will be held in one year from now probably in Hungary.

Before the meeting I took the chance to talk with Rodriguez Donis and Vincent Gerbaud from ENSIACET who are working on
azeotropic batch distillation (same as me). We discussed our results until now and also our future research plans and possible cooperation.
This meeting was give me some nice input for the visit of Professor Kiva (Moscow) in Trondheim at the end of February
(Kiva os doing fine and sends his greetings to all his Norwegian friends).

Best regards,
Stathis Skouras

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor and Head of Department      Phone:  +47-7359-4154
Department of Chemical Engineering                      Home:   +47-7393-6855
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)        Fax:    +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim                                           email:

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