FOCAPO-2003 (Coral Springs, Florida)

From: Sigurd Skogestad (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 13:43:54 CET


Foundations of computer-aided process operations (FOCAPO 2003)
Coral Springs, Florida, 12-15 Jan. 2003

Det var ikke noen PROST'ere som reiste på dette møtet, men CD med papers finner du her: (start med å trykke BEGIN.pdf):

I tillegg finner du powerpoint-slides av de fleste foredragene på konferansens hjemmeside:

Konferansen er mye rettet mot optimalisering og scheduling.
Her er en oversikt over FOCAPO 2003 Program:

Sunday, January 12
4:30-6:00  Opening Session
6:15-7:15 Reception
7:30-9:30 Pharamaceutical and Biotechnology R&D
Monday, January 13 
8:30-12:00 State of the Art in Supply Chain
1:30-4:00 Supply Chain Applications
7:30-10:00 Contributed papers 
Tuesday, January 14
8:30-12:00 Methodologies for Process Operations
1:00-2:30 Contributed papers
2:30-4:00 Panel discussion: a) Supply Chain Software Vendors
 4:30-6:00 Panel discussion: b) Industrial Academic Research Collaborations
7:30-10:00 Banquet
Wednesday, January 15 
8:30-12:00 Optimization: Modeling & Techniques Chair: Costas Pantelides, Imperial College
1:30-3:30  New Challenges in Process Operations Chair: Gary Blau, Purdue University
-Hilsen Sigurd

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor and Head of Department      Phone:  +47-7359-4154
Department of Chemical Engineering                      Home:   +47-7393-6855
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)        Fax:    +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim                                           email:

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