New people starting at Chemical engineering from January 2003

From: Sigurd Skogestad (
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 14:52:02 CET

Hello and a Happy New year to everyone!

We have some new people staring in the systems area at the department of Chemical Engineering (NTNU).

First we have a new faculty member in our department:

Professor Heinz Preisig (51) from Switzerland started as Professor in Process Systems Engineering on 01 january 2003. (He arrives in Trondheim today!)
He worked with Sulzer and then got his Diploma (1978) and Ph.D. (1984) from ETH in Zurich working with Professor Rippin.
He was Assistant Professor at Texas A&M university  1984-1989, and Senior Lecturer at University of South Wales in Australia 1989-1994.
He comes from a position as Professor of Systems and Control at Eindhoven University in the Netherlands.
Professor Preisig has published very actively in the areas of modeling, control and identification.
For a somewhat old photo see:

Then we have 4 new Ph.D. students. 3 of these are in Sigurd Skogestad's group:

Antonio Brandao Araujo (31) from Maceio in Brazil (north of Rio -  just 10 degrees south of the equator) arrived to the freezing Trondheim just last night.
He has a B.Sc. (1996) in Chemical Engineering from Univ. Alagoas and a M.Sc. (2002) from Univ. Paraiba. He also has a specialization in industrial
safety (1998) and has worked in industry for several years in Brazil (Alagoas Ind. Co with wastewater treatment and safety, and  Braschem Co. on a VCM and PVC plant).
His office is in room K4-206. He lives in Hans Osnes vei 12 (hybel 2).
He will stay here for 4 years to take a Ph.D. ( in the area of "optimal operation and control of integrated chemical plants" (financed by NTNU).

Jens P. Strandberg (25) from Halden arrives to Trondheim on Wednesday.
He finished his B.Sc. degree (Honors) at University of Edinburgh in 2001. He has since then travelled to Italy and has worked at Fresenius Co. in Halden.
His office is also in room K4-206.
He will stay here for 4 years to take a Ph.D. ( also in the area of "optimal operation and control of integrated chemical plants" (financed by NFR-SUP
on gas process systems engineering).

Elvira Marie Bergheim Aske (25) (originally from Byrkjelo, but presently living in Trondheim) will also start her Ph.D. studies now, but this
spring she will also continue her work at the Statoil Research Center. She took her Master degree at our Department in 2000 (her Diploma work was
done with Professor David Clough at the University of Colorado).
Her research will be in the area of  "optimal operation and control of integrated chemical plants applied to the Kårstø plant"
(financed by Statoil and the NFR-SUP on gas process systems engineering).

The 4th new Ph.D. student will work with Professor Terje Hertzberg:

Olav Trygve Berglien also starts 01 January on the prosjekt "Modelling and parameter estimation in polymerization processes" (partly funded by
Borealis and NFR on a so-called KMB - "kompetanseprosjekt med brukermedvirkning"). He finished his Master at our Department this spring (2002).

Let me also remind you about three other recent additions to Sigurd's group (Ph.D. students).

Heidi Sivertsen. Ph. D. student working on flow control (financed by Statoil and NFR). Started Sep. 2002.
Federico Zenith. Ph.D. student working on Hydrogen Systems Technology (cooperation with Statoil. SINTEF and Material Sci. Dept.) . Started Nov. 2002.
Eduardo S. Hori. Visiting Ph.D. student from Univ.Fed. Sao Carlos. Started Oct. 2002 - stays for 1 year.

Welcome to everyone!

-Sigurd Skogestad

Sigurd Skogestad, Professor and Head of Department      Phone:  +47-7359-4154
Department of Chemical Engineering                      Home:   +47-7393-6855
Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (NTNU)        Fax:    +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim                                           email:

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