CAPE-Forum meeting in Tarragona, Spain . 15-16 Feb. 2002

Sigurd Skogestad (
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:44:53 -0800


Her kommer informasjon om et nytt CAPE-forum møte.
Dette er et uformelt møte innen PSE som holdes hvert år.

For referat fra tidligere møter se

-Hilsen Sigurd


Dear colleague,

We invite you to attend CAPE Forum 2002, which is going to be held on
February 15 and 16 2002 (a Friday and a Saturday) in Tarragona, Spain.
We propose the following three technical sessions for the meeting:

1. Application of web based techniques in Chemical Engineering.
2. Interface between Process Design and Synthesis.
3. Miscellaneous.

with panel discussions linked to each of the technical sessions.
We propose to have presentations of 15 or 30 minutes, including questions
and discussions.

Information about Tarragona, the Forum, timetables, etc. can be found (or
will be as it becomes available) at

To keep the spirit of the original CAPE Forum meetings, we encourage the
presentation of novel ideas, open research and constructive dialogue.
Thus, we ask you to participate actively in CAPE Forum.

Could you please let us know whether:
(a) you intend to participate.
(b) you intend to make a presentation in one (or more) of the technical sessions.
In this case we would need to know the proposed length of the presentation
(15 or 30 minutes) and a title by the 21st of January, 2002.
(c) you intend to participate in one (or more) of the panel discussions
with a brief statement or as a (co)moderator.

In the meantime I or Prof. Laureano Jiménez ( will be
happy to answer any question related to CAPE Forum 2002.

Kind regards,

Departament d´Enginyeria Química email:
ETSEQ. Universitat Rovira i Virgili tel: +34(977)55.96.73
Av. Paisos Catalans 26 fax1: +34(977)55.96.21
Campus Sescelades fax2: +34(977)55.96.67
43007 Tarragona, SPAIN

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