Faculty position at NTNU, Trondheim

11 Apr 2001 16:14:56 +0200

Faculty Position in Chemical Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, Norway

The Department presently has 12 Professors, 3 Assistant Professors,
7 Adjunct Professors, 9 technical/administrative porsitions and
about 60 Ph.D. students. The Department is organized in six
research groups; Separation technology, chemical reaction engineering,
process systems engineering, pulp and paper technology,
polymer chemistry as well as catalysis and petrochemistry.

The Department is going through a period with large changes in
its academic staff, and we now have the following opening:

Professor/Assistant Professor in Process Systems Engineering

Responsibility for teaching and research in the area of process systems engineering.
The applicants should have a speciality within at least one of the areas
process control, process synthesis, process optimization or process modelling.

It is desirable with experience from problems of industrial relevance.

For more information about the department, the positions or the requirements for
the application, please contact the department head (Sigurd.Skogestad@chembio.ntnu.no;
phone +47-7359 4154) or see the department home page at

Please send the application -
including a CV and copies of the most (max. 10) relevant publications -
to: Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, NTNU, N7491 Trondheim, Norway.

Application Deadline: 01 June 2001

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