Seminar Kjetil Havre om slugregulering fredag 2. mars kl. 13-14
1 Mar 2001 11:26:06 +0100

Til: PROST'ere og PETRONICS'ere


Det blir et spesialseminar imorgen (fredag) kl. 13-14 ved NTNU (kjemiblokk 5, 2.etg):

Kjetil Havre, ABB Corporate Research:
"Taming slug flow in pipelines".

The development of slugs of liquid in multi-phase
pipelines is a major, and expensive,
headache for oil producers. In the Hod
field operated by BP in the North Sea,
problems caused by a drop in oil production
have led to terrain-induced slug flow in the
pipeline between the wellhead platform
and the production platform. The irregular
flow results in poor oil/water separation,
limits the production capacity and causes
flaring. A prototype feedback control
algorithm developed jointly by ABB and BP
to remove terrain-induced slug flow in the
pipeline has been operating at the site since
January 2000 with interesting results.

Se også paper fra ABB Review 4/2000:

Alle interesserte er velkommen.

-Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad

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