Informasjon om dynamisk Hysys idag kl. 12.30-14.30
26 Oct 2000 12:00:12 +0200

Sted: Petroleumsteknisk senter, Rom P3
        ("i det store nye bygget som er lengst oppe i skogen")
Tid: 1230-1430
Åpent for alle interesserte!

>From Fri Oct 20 17:11:07 2000

On Thursday, 26 of October we have guest lecturers from Hyprotech, Andy
Howell and Helge Hole, to present some issues relating to dynamic process
simulation using Hysys. The presentation will address an assortment of
topics from the following list:

1. Upstream Simulation Business Drivers
2. Steady State Simulation in the Upstream Business
3. Key Advantages of HYSYS in the Upstream
4. OLE : Allocation & Engineering Models
5. Integrating Hydraulics with Steady State Process Simulation: PIPESYS &
6. Neural Networks in Upstream Process Simulation
7. Neural Networks for Fast Parametric Analysis of Pipeline Networks in HYSYS
8. HYSYS Dynamics in the Upstream ; Compressor Anti-Surge Loop Control
9. Integrating Transient Fluid Flow with Process Dynamics; Separator
Pressure Control Relationship with Pipeline Slugging
10. Compressible Pipeline Flow for Line Packing and Pressure Wave Simulation
11. Separator Design with HYSYS
12. Field Planning with Process Simulation

Michael Golan, Professor
Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics
NTNU-Norwegian University of Sceince and Technology
S.P. Andersens vei 15a, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Tel: (47) 73 594962, Fax (47) 73 944472
Cellular (47) 41454594

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