Gjesteforelesninger Morari og Jacobsen og Dr.Ing. disputas Larsson

Geir Stian Landsverk (geir.stian.landsverk@itk.ntnu.no)
Fri, 04 Aug 2000 13:42:46 +0200

Heisann og velkommen til høstens første gjesteforelesning!!

I forbindelse med Truls Larssons Dr. Ing. disputas fredag 25 august vil det
bli avholdt to gjesteforelesninger.
Programmet blir som følger:

0815: Manfred Morari. "A mathematical programming approach to the analysis
and control of hybrid systems"
0915: Elling W. Jacobsen. "Dynamics in plug flow reactors"
1015: Truls Larssom: Prøveforelesning?
1215: Truls Larsson: Disputas. "Studies on plantwide control (with
application to methanol plants)"

Sted: Totalrommet, Hovedbygget NTNU.

Se sammendrag under for mere informasjon,
eller sjekk http://www.itk.ntnu.no/groups/PROST/seminars.html for oppdatert

Geir Stian

A mathematical programming approach to the analysis and control of
hybrid systems

Hybrid systems have emerged as a powerful modeling paradigm for a
wide variety of practical systems and problems. For example, supply
chains can be modeled as hybrid systems and their operation can be
studied from that point of view. A chemical plant with the associated
emergency shut-down control system can be viewed as a hybrid system
and the proper operation of the control system can be analyzed
effectively with the tools from that domain.

We have introduced (Automatica 35, 407-427, 1999) the Mixed-Logic
Dynamical (MLD) system form to describe hybrid systems. The major
advantage of this form is that all problems of analysis and synthesis
can be formulated as mixed-integer linear or quadratic programs, for
which good commercial software exists.

In this overview talk we motivate the approach, summarize the
progress in a wide range of areas (controllability/observability
assessment, optimal controller design, filter design, fault
detection, modeling language & compiler) and present some application
Vennlig hilsen

Geir Stian Landsverk
Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk

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