CAPE Forum, London 10-11 March 2000
22 Dec 1999 17:06:43 +0100

PROST - Styrkeomraade i Prosess-systemteknikk ved NTNU/SINTEF
Mer informasjon:

Hallo PROST'ere,

Vedlagt følger invitasjon til CAPE Forum workshop i London 10-11. mars 2000.
Dette er en åpen workshop med gode muligheter for å treffe andre innen
industri og akademia som arbeider med prosess-systemteknikk.

For PROST'ere ved NTNU er det mulighet for å få økonomisk støtte til
å reise (vennligst send meg en email om du er interessert).

Jeg ønsker forøvrig alle PROST'ere en god jul og et riktig godt nytt år.

-Hilsen Sigurd


>>From Wed Dec 22 15:33:53 1999
From: Eric S Fraga <>
Subject: CAPE Forum, 10-11th March, 2000

                                CAPE Forum

The next gathering of the CAPE Forum will be in London:

Where: Chemical Engineering Department, University College London
When: 10 & 11 March 2000

We have decided to try to get back to a focus on areas where CAPE is
less well established and to try to provoke a greater discussion &
debate content.

Our current thinking is that we should have three sessions, addressing:

1. CAPE's potential contribution to the design of batch/fine chemical
   processes (but regarding scheduling as largely an "established"
   problem - what else should we be doing, such as looking at the
   interactions between the continuous and discrete dynamics; linking
   to economics?)

2. CAPE's potential contribution to Safety, Health & Environmental

3. An "open/free-for-all" session

Each of these might last 3 hours.

Where we have a specific topic, then we might have a format such as
two "seed" talks (one from an industrial practitioner, to outline the
problems, and one as an overview of what CAPE's current contribution
is and what it might become), followed by an open discussion to see
what we really should be trying to do. Suggestions for speakers are
welcome, as soon as possible, please.

Ideas and suggestions for the 3rd session (a series of short talks on
whatever subject the presenter chooses?) would be welcome. In order to
plan this session and make it cohesive/balanced in some sense, we
would ask that anyone planning to make a talk should submit a
half-page abstract/outline for us to review - the earlier the better
but no later than, say, 18th February.

More suggestions for specific topics are also welcome, and should be
submitted no later than 14th January, to allow planning. If you
propose a topic, please also make a suggestion regarding the two seed


Please contact one of the undersigned if you wish to attend. (Note
that the maximum practical attendance will be of the order 40-50, so
don't delay too much or you may lose out!)

Please also keep an eye on the CAPE.NET website
(, where information will be posted
from time to time on the CAPE Exchange discussion forum (and where you
can contribute your own ideas).

Eric Fraga (
Tony Perris (
Eric S Fraga, University College London,

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