Gjesteforelesning 9/9

Bjarne Foss (Bjarne.Foss@itk.ntnu.no)
Fri, 03 Sep 1999 10:25:01 +0200

Gjesteforelesning torsdag 9/9 kl.14.15-16.00 i B-343 (elektroblokk B), NTNU.

Tittel: Fundamentally-Guided Empirical Modeling
Foreleser: Dr. Ron Pearson, ETH Zurich

Dr. Ron Pearson er forsker ved ETH i Zurich og har tidligere lang erfaring
fra DuPont, USA.

Vel møtt!

Vennlig hilsen
Bjarne Foss

Ekstrakt av forelsening:

Fundamentally-Guided Empirical Modeling
                Many authors have noted that "pure empirical modeling"
                is an essentially ill-posed problem. Conversely, fundamental
                models tend to be extremely complex, making them unsuitable
                for many model-based control problems. This talk begins
                with a brief discussion of both of these problems, making
                the case for "intermediate" or "gray-box" approaches and
                the rest of the talk is devoted to discussions of some of
                the key issues that must be addressed in turning this
                appealing idea into a practical modeling methodology.
                An extremely important issue is that of initial model
                structure selection and much of the talk will be concerned
                with various aspects of this problem: what model structures
                are available for nonlinear empirical modeling? what are
                the consequences of different choices, particularly in
                terms of the possible qualitative behavior of the resulting
                model? how can fundamental knowledge of qualitative process
                behavior be used in selecting good empirical model structures
                and avoiding bad ones? In addition, questions of input
                sequence design for model identification, parameter estimation,
                and model validation/invalidation/refinement will also be

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