PROST industrimedlemmer
4 May 1999 17:44:48 +0200


Vi har naa lagt inn litt informasjon om PROST industrimedlemmer paa
hjemmesiden vaar. Se:


(kopi av informasjonen som ligger der er gitt under).

Jeg onsker forovrig velkommen til kontaktmote paa mandag 10. mai
og PROST-seminar paa tirdag 11. mai.

-Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad
   (leder av PROST)

Sigurd Skogestad, professor og instituttleder Tel: +47-7359-4154
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi Fax: +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim

PROST industrial members

Starting 1999 we welcome Norwegian companies to become members of PROST.
The annual fee depends on the size of the companies activity in the
process systems engineering area (small, medium and large)

The industrial funds are used to support common PROST activities, such
as seminars, and to provide funds for visitors, travels, and short-time
extensions of Ph.D. fellowships.

The main advantage for the industrial members is that they gain closer
access to the PROST professors and students and will be given priority
compared to

Present PROST member companies:

  Contact: Havard Devold, ABB Industri, Oslo
 Annual support: NOK 90000

Aitos / Energos
  Contact: Kristian Lien, Trondheim
 Annual support: NOK 30000

 Contact: Kristian Helland, Stathelle
 Annual support: NOK 50000

Fantoft Prosess
 Contact: Erik Glende
   Annual support: NOK 30000

Norsk Hydro
 Contact: David Cameron, Research Centre, Porsgrunn
   Annual support: NOK 90000

 Contact: Joachim Schmidt, Lindesnes
   Annual support: NOK 30000

 Contact: Not yet decided (?)
    Annual support: NOK 90000

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