Doctoral Studentship in Optical Measurement of Paper Quality
29 Apr 1999 17:29:14 +0200

Doctoral Studentship in Optical Measurement of Paper Quality

The Department of Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology has a vacant doctoral studentship in the area of
optical measurement of paper quality. The studentship is financed by
Norske Skog Research and the Norwegian Research Council, and the research
will be done in cooperation with the Paper Industry Research Institute.

The doctoral student will develop methodology for optical measurement of
paper quality, paper formation and floc orientation in particular, using
optical measurement and image processing based on a high resolution color
The long term aim of the research is real time application of the
measurement methodology for control of paper production. In addition, the
student will investigate relationships between optically measured quality
variables in paper production and the print quality obtained with the same

Applicants should have achieved outstanding results in their undergraduate
studies. Applicantions are sought from candidates with a background in pulp
and paper technology or other process engineering disciplines, or
alternatively a background in applied mathematics. The candidate should be
a citizen of the European Union or the European Economic Area, or hold a
valid Norwegian work permit.

For further information, contact professor Morten Hovd at
Application deadline: May 20, 1999.

Morten Hovd Phone: +4773591426
Professor of Process Control Fax: +4773594399
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norwegian University of Technology and Science
N-7030 Trondheim, Norway e-mail:

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